Feral Fridays 2024 | Diamonds of Decay

In the dark of the night, feral souls skitter through the decaying undergrowth. Beware the diamonds you see glimmering in the brush, dear camper. You'll find not riches, but a dozen hungry maws.   They've kept their teeth sharp this summer...
(My shiny teeth and me, shiny teeth, shiny teeth!)
  Much like our brains after four weeks of worldbuilding prompts, the decay has seeped into our worlds during the Diamond wave, and all manner of withering subjects have made their way into our worldbuilding.   The worldbuilders came out in force with some incredible work for this final week of SummerCamp prompts! Thus I present them to you, for your feral chomping delight!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

Mirror Cloud Paths
by Blue Fairy 74
Teleportation is a subject explored in so many settings, but I feel many leave out the journeys and the paths between destinations. Is the risk worth the reward?  
Mirror cloud paths
Geographic Location | Aug 2, 2024
Seral Erithan
by Catoblepon
An introduction to a character of Iphars with unique qualities, and an exploration of how she has dealt with and continued to work through loss in Adea.  
Seral Erithan
Character | Sep 6, 2024

A famous ecosystem author who is fighting for the legacy of her family

Talamus Wynned
by Jeffrey Lebowski
Every word needs to have their impactful historians and record keepers — I loved getting to know about this character's work and relate travels!  
Talamus Wynned
Character | Aug 1, 2024

Divine's Folly
by oaster2000
We know that there are many gods to be worshiped across the many realms of fantasy, but there are also those who would choose to end them, rather than worship.  
Divine's Folly
Organization | Sep 14, 2024

A group of devout god haters with the mission of destroying their corruption completely.

Aberrant Lycanthropy
by Kitoypoy
What a cool take on different forms of lycanthropy — or, any form of transformation, I suppose! So interesting how such aberrations can be seen as boons to some!  
Aberrant Lycanthropy
Condition | Aug 3, 2024

Like the hidden/clockwork moon before it, the Silversong Moon has affected the transformations of the world's lycanthropes and shifters.

The Siblings's Demise
by Satrium
Here from the first, and here to the last — this is an article that features some excellent lore and poetry to illustrate myths and legends of Lothrea's first gods.  
The Siblings's Demise
Myth | Jul 27, 2024

The end of the world, the Siblings demise. The last days of the world, will be silent and bleak, As the last light will vanish, and the world falls asleep.

The Universe
by Frod0_baggins
An introduction to the universe, by a narrator who acknowledges your existence and the possibility of other uiverses out there, in the great beyond.  
The Universe
Geographic Location | Jul 25, 2024
The End of Days: A Shattered Land
by Tyrdal
Ramblings of a mad prophet, or visions of a future sure to come? A prose-based introduction to a prophet of the world, and the prophecies he has shouted to the world.  
The End of Days: A Shattered Land
Myth | Aug 3, 2024

An ancient scroll and a prophecy. What will Tariq find within?

Goliath Blackfield Mussel
by Mochimanoban
These impressively large creatures play an important role in their environment, but they suffer from changes in the winds and the currents on which their sustenance is carried.  
Goliath Blackfield Mussel
Fauna | Sep 1, 2024

Gigantic molluscs that feed on dead plankton.

Bes Navy
by AsterVela
Be the force in the world that not a single person would be willing to raise a conflict with! Really cool to read about such a powerful navy!  
Bes Navy
Organization | Aug 2, 2024
Dragon Scales
by CrazyEddie
Valuable resources in the world of Koria, and an overview of how they are obtained and used — I hope you enjoy poking dragons!  
Dragon Scales
Material | Aug 2, 2024
Ministry of Imperial Administration
by Callyxtus
We all love some checks and balances in an administration! In environments often steeped in corruption, a ministry like this is all but required.  
Ministry of Imperial Administration
Organization | Aug 2, 2024

Brightfield Farmer
by Strixxline
My own submission for this week! Farmers of Brightfield love to get their hands dirty and produce the best pumpkins in the land!  
Brightfield Farmer
Profession | Jul 28, 2024

Thank you, friends!
This concludes this year's Feral Friday readings! Thank you so much, everyone who submitted articles for me to read and share with the community! You've been nothing but delightful and inspiring, and I can't wait to see what next year's campers bring to the feral campgrounds!   Feral Fridays will return again next year, when the Feral Sovereign reawakens! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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