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Bryn Shander

Bryn Shander is the largest settlement in Ten-Towns, and is the hub of trade and culture in the region. The town perches atop a hill between Maer Dualdon and the Dire Forest, surrounded by a thick wall of logs and packed earth.   Until the Everlasting Rime, Bryn Shander was full to the brim with people, causing the buildings to be built one on top of the other in a crazed maze of architecture, but now most of the Residential District is abandoned, and the only place still crowded with people is the bustling centre.    

Town Centre

Where many of the main roads intersect, home to a plethora of food and general shops, as well as pop-up market stalls and the Town Hall.  

Mungensnubbs Bakery

Bakery run by six gnomish brothers. The bakery's speciality is Sugar Cairns, pastries baked in the shape of Kelvin's Cairn.  

Herringbone Forge

Forge run by a sister and brother, Shannan Havenen and Otek Havenen. Shannan is a journeyman smith, crafting weapons, armour and tools in the covered forge that looks out onto the town square. Otek operates the connecting shop and sells the wares that Shannan forges.  


The most popular tavern in Bryn Shander, Wanderlight is a cramped four-story building in the town square, each floor filled with tables and booths catered by a dumbwaiter behind the ground floor bar. The tavern is owned by Boryn Dirkhyde and Yellik Frostmire.  


Fishmonger on the corner of the town square, run by Dec Rol, a habitually laconic man.  

Taylar, Tinker

Tinker on the corner of the North Road and the town square, a single room with a shuttered storefront run by Taylar Roi'in.    

Overlook District

The northern section of the town, centred around the Northern Road that runs from the Centre to the North Gate.  

The Northlook Inn

An inn halfway up the North Road, well known for catering to travellers and mercenaries. Owned and operated by Scramsax, a retired barbarian adventurer.  

Blackiron Blades

Blacksmith in the south of the Outlook District, known for quick turnaround and shipping blades south of the Spine of the World. The shop is owned by Elza Rainwright, and the blades are crafted by Garn "The Hammer" Hamrin.        

Residential District

The eastern section of the town, home to the majority of private housing and currently mostly abandoned. Most of the streets are narrow and winding with rickety, three-storey buildings that create an abstract canopy over the alleyways.  

Coroner's Office

A broad basement dug into the eastern wall of the town beside the cemetary. Run by Walder Tonnede, the town coroner.  

House of the Morninglord

Shrine to Amaunator, run by brother Mishann. The attic is rented out as accommodation to Copper Knobberknocker, an acolyte of Lathander who constantly bickers with Mishann.  

Isla Thergood's House

A four-storey building with a pointed, conical roof remeniscent of a classical wizard's tower. The building rises above the nearby houses, leaning slightly to one side, and is connected to one of the nearby buildings by support struts. It has no stairs, but instead uses a set of modified permanent teleportation circles in place of doors, accessed by a colour-coded dial; each section of the dial corresponds to a flor of the house and can be activated by a spark of magic.    

Trade District

The western section of the town, housing many clothing and supply shops.  

Dougal's Sophistic Supplies

A crowded single-storey shop magically hidden from the public by a charm. In order to find the shop one must be reccommended, and walk through the Trade District wearing a piece of paper marked by Dougal's symbol. The shop has a small inventory of magical items and curiosities, and Dougal offers items enchanted to-order for a price.  

Fur Out

Heavily-stocked furrier that has, over time, become a clothing shop. The shop is run by Uda Halfet, and is known for cheap and practical winter garb.  

Ruby's Raiments

An antique clothing shop now vastly unpatronised. Owned and run by the ancient elf, Ruby.        

August District

The southernmost, wealthiest district of the town; home to Bryn Shander's municipal buildings, and its more wealthy residents.  

Council Hall

One of the oldest buildings in Bryn Shander, the Hall is grand and airy, built of brutal dark stone. Inside the only decoration are the 30ft banners displaying the crests of each of the Ten Towns, which hang behind simple wooden chairs around a large oval table.  


One of three stables run by the Hafgrey sisters, the Bryn Shander stables is the largest and is built around the foundations of the town wall.    


The Council of Speakers

The Council Meets on the last day of every month to discuss civic matters and trade.  
Exodus of 1489
The Council meeting of the Claw of Winter 1489, passed a motion that Bremen, Caer-Dineval, Caer-Konig, Dougan's Hole, Good Mead, Lonelywood, and Termalaine would evacuate their citizens into the larger towns of Bryn Shander, Easthaven, and Targos. The motion to evacuate was passed by one vote and was not altogether popular.
Duvessa Shane
Markham Southwell
Shannan Havenen
Otek Havenen
Boryn Dirkhyde
Yellik Frostmire
Dec Rol
Taylar Roi'in
Elza Rainwright
Garn "The Hammer" Hamrin
Walder Tonnede
Copper Knobberknocker
Isla Thergood
Uda Halfet
Zerf Veedledax

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