Chapter V: Combat

Nothing moves forward in a story except through conflict.
— Robert McKee
Stories and games need conflict. And when conflicts turn deadly, you have combat. Combat is heavily detailed in Chapter VII of the PHB under Combat. Combat material specific to directors and mythmakers such as luck rolls, monsters, and encounter composition is presented here.
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Luck Rolls in Combat

When a player rolls a natural 1 or 20 in combat, a luck roll can help determine how far the positive or negative effects go while simultaneously adding more excitement and tension. Use critical luck rolls for:
Critical Hits (Attack roll of 20)
When a hero critically hits with a roll of 20, their attack:
1. Deals maximum damage.
2. Gains a Devastating effect.
3. And with a luck roll of:
10-19: Deals double bonus damage.
20: Doubles its maximum damage and on a second luck roll of:
10-19: Triples its maximum damage.
20: Slays the target (Instagib).
Critical Misses (Attack roll of 1)
When a hero critically misses, their attack has no effect and they suffer with a luck roll of:
1: A major inconvenience like breaking their weapon, a combination of tripping and knocking an ally down, or having their attack hit an ally.
2-9: An inconvenience such as being disarmed, tripped, or stumbling into a disadvantageous position.
10-19: A minor embarrassment, such as nearly hitting their ally or having their attack casually brushed aside.
20: A cinematically odd event with no ill effect, such as miscasting a cantrip to have flower petals rain down or having a sword knocked into the air but then catching it. (Reversal of Fortune)
Critical Defenses (Defense roll of 20)
When a hero critically defends with a roll of 20, they:
1. Suffer no ill effect from the attack.
2. Gain a Devastating effect.
3. And with a luck roll of:
10-19: Perform a martial maneuver on the attacker or costs it its next attack.
20: Direct the attack against the attacker's ally or cost their attacker their ability to repeat that attack until the end of the attacker's next turn.
Being Critically Hit (Defense roll of 1)
When a hero suffers a critical failure on a defense attempt, they suffer the attack's maximum or double effect and, on a luck roll of:
1: Instead, triple the effect and on a second luck roll of:
1: Instead, quadruple the effect, plus their armor, shield, or another possession is sundered, or their hit points are reduced to -1 (if this increases the damage suffered)
2-9: Their armor, shield, or another possession is sundered, they are slowed or weakened until the end of their next turn, or the defense they attempted suffers disadvantage and unreliability until the end of their attacker's next turn.
2-9: An inconvenience such as stumbling 5' or being tripped, slowed on their next turn, or disarmed.
10-19: A minor embarrassment, such as having a mark left on them or their gear, doing something daft to get hit so hard, or peeing themselves a little.
20: A cinematically odd event with no additional negative benefit, such as getting hit hard and grunting it off or getting blasted backward but hitting the ground, rolling, and popping back to their feet. (Reversal of Fortune)
Critnitiative (Initiative roll of 20)
When a hero achieves critical success on an initiative attempt, they get to act before any other creature and on a luck roll of:
1-9: Gain a bonus attack or movement on their turn.
10-19: Gain a bonus action on their turn.
20: Gain a bonus turn on a normal success initiative level.
Shitnitiative (Initiative roll of 1)
When a hero suffers a critical failure on an initiative attempt, they act after every other creature and on a luck roll of:
1: Lose their movement for their turn.
2-9: Are slowed on their turn.
20: Are distracted by something interesting, grotesque, or funny.


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