The Pen & Dagger RPG’s Players & Heroes Book

If you are a dreamer, come in
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin
Come in! Come in!
— Shel Silverstein
The Pen & Dagger RPG is a game of the imagination. All you need to play is a tale and a friend - one to be a Director/Manager (hereafter referred to as a DM) and one or more to be heroes. This book, the Players & Heroes Book (or PHB) is a resource and reference for players on how to create and run their hero in the game.
As a player, you create a hero and forge their story in the game world, shaping an epic tale through might, mind, and magic.


Like all good stories, we begin with a character. If you are not using a pre-generated hero, the best place to start is by brainstorming. To get the ball rolling:
The Pen & Dagger RPG is a shared experience. As such, it is a good idea to collaborate with your fellow players and the DM to come up with hero concepts. Not only will this help your hero find a meaningful niche in their adventuring party, but it will also help you come up with entertaining relationships and backstories between your heroes.
Additionally, your DM will provide information on the world you’ll play in. Its regions, races, religions, and factions may spark ideas and ignite your imagination.
After consulting your fellows, you’ll hopefully have an idea for a hero. If not:
From movies to books to video games, heroic inspiration is everywhere. Any character that made you laugh, cry, or put you on the edge of your seat is a great model. Take cues from their concept to create a hero with your personal touch. If you are still struggling to figure out your hero, there is always random generation. Assign numbers to the races, classes, and backstory then let the dice select your fate.
Once you’ve got an idea of what your hero will be, it’s time to:
To create your hero, follow these 6 steps, detailed in chapters 1-6.
  1. Roll Ability Scores
  2. Select a Race
  3. Select a Class
  4. Select a Background & Catalyst
  5. Choose your Skills, Proficiencies, and other details
  6. Purchase Equipment
With your hero created, you're ready to Adventure!


All the world is a stage and you are the hero! In the simplest terms, playing The Pen & Dagger RPG consists of your DM describing the setting and situation then giving you and your fellow heroes the chance to act. And after you act, the process repeats.
You can add to everyone's enjoyment by immersing yourself in the tale and keeping your hero lively and active. And you can push each other to the next level by being:
Creative, Cinematic, and Fun
Creativity brings enjoyment to every corner of the game. To start with, be creative with your hero's concept. This doesn’t mean you must come up with a groundbreaking hero (playing a Robin Hood, Joan of Arc, Samwise Gamgee, or Princess Leia can be as fun as any other) but you should aim to have a good idea of who your hero is, where they came from, and why they are the way they are. The richer your hero's history and background, the more entertaining their interaction with the world will be. Some tips on how to begin this process can be found in Chapter IV: Backgrounds, Dreams, & Renown.
Additionally, aim to be creative with your actions. You are a hero, so be heroic in your interaction with your friends, foes, and the world at large to enrich the story for everyone.
Cinema goes hand in hand with creativity. Your hero is the star of a movie with an unlimited budget. Whether you and your cohorts are villains or the good guys, aim to have cool lines, take legendary risks, and weave complex exploits.
If you have an idea that would make for an amazing scene, go for it. While you may not be guaranteed success, pulling it off will make it one for the storybooks. If not, some of the most memorable stories revolve around plans gone horribly awry.
Combining creativity and cinema should have you well on your way to an uproarious time. Remember, though, that this is a game with your friends! Involve your fellow heroes in your actions. The relationships between will be the most enjoyable, impacting, and real, both within the game and without.
Also, keep in mind the story your DM is weaving. If you are supposed to be fighting for a common goal, find a way to align your hero with that cause. If you are in a dark, gritty world, add your own gristle to it. Immersing yourself in the plot will give your DM more ways to bring your heroism to light and pay dividends for everyone involved.
What makes The Pen & Dagger RPG different?
The Pen & Dagger RPG was designed with several goals in mind.
  • Heroism: A witch tries to charm you. A goblin arcs an arrow your way. You're the hero, so you choose how you defend yourself. Then you roll the dice.
  • Known Results: You swing from a chandelier. You throw lightning into an orc's face. You took the action, so you know the outcome. You can describe exactly what went right, or why your axe ended up in your friend's back.
  • Rolls that Count: 20s always matter. 1s always matter. So do the rolls in between. Rolling a 19 is not the same as rolling a 10, nor is a 9 the same as a 2. Different levels of success and failure reveal how well your words stirred the crowd or how much the spear you failed to block hurt.
  • Tactics that Matter: Battles flow. Lines break. Dragons wheel. Finding yourself standing in one spot hacking forth and back with a foe is all but unheard of. Deft repositioning to divide your enemies or cover your friend's back makes the difference between victory and tragedy.
  • A Story You Build: Most importantly, you and your fellow players are heroes. You hold the power to shape your stories. Whether that means sacrificing yourself to save an ally, becoming a face recognized across the realm, or seeing your magical sword grow in power through shared experiences, you pen your tale.


    Coming up with a great hero and immersing yourself with your fellows in the story is one half of The Pen & Dagger RPG. The other is the element of chance. Whenever your DM decides something important you are doing in the story involves a risk of failure, you will be asked to make an attempt. To do so, roll a 20-sided die (d20) and compare the result against your rank in the task you are attempting on the Success Table. Your level of success determines how the story turns. In addition, there are many other dice you'll roll to determine effects like damage, hit points, and healing.
    For more information on attempts, ranks, success levels, and how to interact with the world and its denizens, see Chapter I: The Element of Chance.

    The Success Table



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