Andre Salmonsen Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Andre Salmonsen

General Overview

Andre Salmonsen is a corpulent and calculating figure of corruption in Westkeep, wielding significant mercantile power and influence over the local populace. Known for his opulent tastes and ruthless business acumen, he has transformed the old slave mines into his personal fiefdom, ensuring his control through a mix of manipulation, false benevolence, and strategic brutality.
Freeing the workers was the best decision I've ever made. They think they're free, but they owe everything to me. It’s the perfect balance—loyalty bought at a bargain.
— On His Management Of The Mines


Salmonsen is a jovial, burly man with a thick, wavy mane of hair and a full beard, both peppered with gray, giving him a distinguished yet approachable appearance. His face is expressive, with a broad smile and twinkling eyes that convey warmth and mischief. His skin has a healthy, ruddy tone, indicative of a life spent in hearty laughter and good spirits. He is dressed in a regal, burgundy coat with gold trim, suggesting a person of some importance or affluence. Underneath, he wears a white shirt that's slightly unbuttoned at the collar, showing a casual disregard for strict formality. His posture and expression project confidence and a zest for life.

Salmonsen Mine
Building / Landmark | Jun 20, 2024

Now under the control of Andre Salmonsen, has a notorious reputation for its questionable practices


He exudes a façade of joviality and generosity, but beneath this lies a cunning and manipulative mind. He is shrewd, always looking for ways to increase his influence and wealth, often at the expense of others. His public persona is one of a benefactor and liberator, having 'freed' the slaves of the old mines, but this act was calculated to ensure their loyalty and continued exploitation under the guise of employment. He privately mocks and undermines those who oppose him, including the Guardian of the Westkeep Watchtower, Endra of St. Ygg.

Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery


Over the last decade, Andre has methodically taken control of the old slave mines from their previous owner, Dourstoune, through questionable means. His decision to free the slaves and pay them meager wages was a strategic move to maintain control and appear benevolent, securing their loyalty and keeping them in a state of perpetual poverty. Andre frequently sponsors events at The Rabid Wolf, encouraging his workers to spend their limited earnings on gambling and other vices, ensuring they remain dependent on him.



The mine workers, once slaves, now see Salmonsen as a savior of sorts due to their 'freedom' and meager wages. This loyalty is superficial, rooted in manipulation and the lack of better options.
They call me their liberator, but it's their loyalty that truly enriches me. A few coins and a kind word can bind stronger than chains ever did.
— On The Workers’ Loyalty


Endra of St. Ygg

Despite publicly showing respect, Andre privately mocks Endra and sees her as a rival. He undermines her authority whenever possible, viewing the Guardian of the Westkeep Watchtower as an obstacle to his unchallenged control.
Endra the Watcher
Character | Jul 1, 2024

Steward of the Westkeep Watchtower.

The Rabid Wolf

Andre frequently sponsors events at The Rabid Wolf, using it as a venue to keep his workers distracted and indebted. His relationship with Stanwyck is one of mutual benefit, though Stanwyck remains wary of Andre's true nature.
The Rabid Wolf
Building / Landmark | May 16, 2024

The Rabid Wolf Tavern stands as a gritty, infamous establishment just East of Westkeep. Boxing, Wolf fighting, Dagger-Throwing & a Pit fighting ring.

Threshold Connections

His rumored connections in capital of Threshold provide him with a safety net and potential leverage against local opposition. These powerful friends ensure that Andre remains a formidable figure, difficult to challenge directly.

Skills and Abilities

Manipulation and Deception

Highly skilled in manipulating those around him, using a mix of charm, intimidation, and deceit to achieve his goals. He is adept at playing the role of a generous benefactor while exploiting his workers and rivals.
Business Acumen
A keen sense for business and trade has allowed him to amass considerable wealth and influence, making him one of the most powerful figures in Westkeep.
Strategic Bribery and Connections
Maintains his position through strategic bribery and by leveraging his connections, including powerful allies in the capital of Threshold. These connections provide him with protection and further avenues for expanding his influence.

Goals and Motivation

Andre's primary goal is to maintain and expand his control over Westkeep and its resources. He is driven by a desire for power and wealth, seeing the people and the land as tools to be exploited for his gain. His long-term ambition includes extending his influence beyond Westkeep, potentially positioning himself as a significant power broker in the broader region.

Westkeep is just the beginning. With my connections and my wealth, there’s no telling how far my influence can spread. Power is a game, and I intend to win.
— On His Vision For The Future


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