The Seat of Marrow Building / Landmark in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

The Seat of Marrow

Seat of Marrow

The origins and intentions of the Seat of Marrow remain shrouded in mystery. Its entrance was unearthed during Session 53 - The Tip of the Taint; found in a small cave on the edge of Grigsby Farmstead with an old well and strange black glassy cave wall.
grigsby cave 1
Smooth glass-like back wall of a cave

Player Discoveries

  • Confirmed Containment - The Seat of Marrow is designed to contain something with corruptive power.
  • Corruption - LeakThe taint within is likened to a small well, described as a pimple of corruption, slowly leaking its contents.
  • Magical Access - Entry to the site is through a magically concealed door that requires a special key.
  • Druld holds the key.
  • The door has yet to be opened.
  • Cryptic Insights - Conversations with the stone have yielded singular words and concepts.
  • Dhurindain
  • Luck (Fortuna)
  • Ulrich
  • Impurax
  • A Temporary Fix - Sealed

    At the conclusion of Session 53 - The Tip of the Taint, the party opted to seal off the cave entrance to prevent further contamination from the corrupted well. Through a dialogue with the spirit of the earth, the main cave path was closed. While this solution is not permanent, reopening it would require significant excavation efforts.

    A Bard's Obsession

    In the cave that houses the entrance to this enigmatic dungeon, the skeleton of a bard or magician was discovered. It seems this individual was singularly focused on locating the Seat of Marrow, a quest that ultimately claimed his life. Among the artifacts found with his remains were a parchment map pinpointing this elusive site, a peculiar key crafted from black glass and mountain stone, and a parchment bearing a cryptic limerick or poem. These items collectively hint at the perilous nature of what lies within.
    Bards Map
    Parchment map found in the barn while scouting for wolves

    Seat of Marrow Entrance
    Seen via cats eye on smooth cave wall

    Parchment note found on the skeleton in the wolves den

    Half black obsidian glass and half stone heart of the mountian

    Founding Date
    Parent Location
    Current Keeper of the Key: Druld
    HEX - 0215
    Geographic Location | Jun 23, 2024

    Farm Fields supporting Westkeep

    Grigsby Farmstead
    Geographic Location | Jul 2, 2024

    A simple "Mom and Pop" Bison Farm

    Discovered on

    Session 53 - The Tip of the Taint
    Report | Jun 24, 2024

    An explosive moment and temporary victory against the beasts in the tainted cave.


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