Session 53 - The Tip of the Taint Report in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Session 53 - The Tip of the Taint

General Summary

Session date
8th of Olandan; Forest Day. Grigbsy Farm Cave (Wolf Den)
Start in Westkeep
  • Druld
  • Gerant
  • added from the darkness
  • Osgar Cazyach
  • Horjak
  • Howime Tyourmo Ther
  • Session END
    10th of Olandan (1 day of carousing in Westkeep)

    Session Opening: Brink of Conflict
    Our adventure resumes with the effects of Stinkweed waning, granting "We-Haul" just a few more moments of stealth. As the scent fades, eight northern wolves and three tainted direwolves will engage, a deadly encounter looming large. With death a palpable threat, the group's fate now hangs on the whims of lady luck.

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Quest COMPLETED!

  • Message board - Farmers Wolf Problem
  • Reward: Corncob Pipe of Resting
  • Character(s) interacted with

  • Hab & Hilda Grigbsy

  • Created Content

  • As the Stinkweed dwindles, "We-Haul" finalizes their preparations:
  • A sack of (10) oil flasks is placed at the cave's entrance.
  • Druld assumes a shield wall position just inside the cave.
  • Osgar Cazyach, Horjak, and Howime set up behind a crude spike wall.
  • Gerant lurks on the edge of darkness, preemptively striking the sleeping tainted direwolves.
  • We-Haul sacrifices their round of actions to allow two backstabs by Gerant on the nearest direwolf, throwing his daggers and quickly retreating without witnessing the results.
  • Chaos Awakens - The den erupts in action—howling, snarling, and barking with sick, throaty noises.
  • The wolves charge the choke point just as Druld prays to the spirit of the stone, which responds by sealing the cave entrance, trapping him partially in the wall with only his rear end exposed outside. Inside, his shield hand, face, and torch hand remain free.
  • Trapped - As the wolves swarm Druld inside, snapping at his exposed parts, they're commanded by a sick, common-speaking direwolf to tear off his torch arm.
  • Before they can succeed, Druld throws the torch into the trail of lantern oil, igniting a bomb-like explosion that shreds through the wolves and blasts open the cave entrance, hurling Druld out, severely injured and at deaths door.
  • Aftermath - As wolves flood from the cave, attacking or fleeing into the woods, Osgar Cazyach suffers a critical face bite and collapses. The largest and most corrupted direwolf emerges, empowered by inhaling the essence of the fallen direwolves, doubling in size.
  • Final Confrontation - A critical casting of magic missile strikes a sack of oil flasks, incinerating the alpha beast in a spectacular blaze. As it dies, a sinister black stack of smoke rises, whisking away any remnants of the beast into the wind.
  • Discovery - amidst the aftermath and exploration, the entrance to the The Seat of Marrow is uncovered in the back of the cave.

  • Dungeon Discovered

    The Seat of Marrow
    Building / Landmark | Jun 24, 2024

    A Sickness Contained...


    Carousing Results

    Osgar Cazyach
    The Party is Over...
    {Game Time: Ola 08, 11 06:48}
    Carousing Results
    D8 Result: 6
    Bonus: 1
    Total: 7
    Table: Special Quirky
    Outcome After a heated drinking contest with some dwarves from Citadel Silver, you wake up at the top of the windmill. How you'll get down is another story. (+4 xp)
    With the aid of his "Alterself" spell, Osgcar sprouts some flesh between his arms and ribs. Floating to the ground like a flying squirrel. He is now referred to as "The Squirrel" by local tavern drinkers.

    The Party is Over...
    {Game Time: Ola 08, 11 06:51}
    Carousing Results
    D8 Result: 4
    Bonus: 1
    Total: 5
    Table: Boon (frontier Village Adventure)
    Outcome: You successfully lead a wagon train through a dangerous pass. Gain 3 XP and a sense of accomplishment.
    A current message board Call-For-Aid at The WestWatchers is looking for the missing resupply sent from Eastdale. During a drunken walk, Horjak recovers the lost caravan. Earning a 25gp reward for all members of "We-Haul"

    Current Message Board Requests

  • Bandits Spotted!
  • A Strange Fog in the Fields
  • Wolfs at Grigsby Farmstead
  • Missed Re-Supply Caravan

  • Druld
    The Party is Over...
    {Game Time: Ola 08, 11 06:57}
    Carousing Results
    D8 Result: 7
    Bonus: 1
    Total: 8
    Table: Drinking/Orgies
    Outcome: Your wild dance becomes the new local craze. Gain 4 XP and a dance named after you.
    Druld has found some drunken dance skills. A "Breakdance" of sorts, where on sits on their bum and spins on the floor in circles. It is called "The Rolling Stone".

    Reader Note: Howime is a character played by Goatman; originally intended as a fill in player due to attendance. No character profile exists for this character unless he plays again in the world to save on world anvil documentation.
    Carousing results for Howime.
    [6/22/2024, 10:59:56 AM] Howime Tyourmo Ther
    {Game Time: Ola 08, 11 06:54}
    Where do you Carouse? Subfolder: Quirky Rolltable: Quirky Table Generic
    [6/22/2024, 11:00:14 AM] Howime Tyourmo Ther
    {Game Time: Ola 08, 11 06:54}
    1d8 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5
    [6/22/2024, 11:00:52 AM] Gamemaster
    {Game Time: Ola 08, 11 06:55}
    You engage in a game of wits with an eloquent Halfling in the Bisons Rest. You lose, and he makes you wear an embarrassing hat
    for the next session. +3xp
    Report Date
    21 Jun 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Grigsby Farmstead
    Geographic Location | Jun 19, 2024

    A simple "Mom and Pop" Bison Farm

    HEX - 0215
    Geographic Location | Jun 23, 2024

    Farm Fields supporting Westkeep

    Parchment Scroll
    Found on the skeleton of the bard at cave entrance

    Hidden Carving and Key Hole
    Seat of Marrow Entrance
    Seen via cats eye on smooth cave wall

    Two Part key
    Half black obsidian glass and half stone heart of the mountian


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