Grigsby Farmstead Geographic Location in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Grigsby Farmstead

HEX - 0215
Geographic Location | Jun 23, 2024

Farm Fields supporting Westkeep


Primary Function: Bison farming
Owners: Hab and Hilda Grigsby
Distance from Westkeep: Half a day’s travel


Hex: 0215
Subhex: 11
The Grigsby Farmstead is a renowned bison farm situated half a day’s travel northwest of Westkeep. Nestled on the edge of a dense forest and crag field, it is one of the most remote farms in the area. Managed by the elderly couple, Hab and Hilda Grigsby, the farm is known not only for its robust bison herd but also for Hilda's legendary blueberry pies.

Geographical Details


The farm is bordered by the rolling hills of a crag field to the west and a thick forest to the north. The rugged landscape provides natural protection and resources, making it an ideal location for raising bison.


The area experiences harsh winters and mild summers, with ample rainfall supporting lush grazing fields for the bison.

Farm Features

Bison Herd

The Grigsby Farmstead boasts a sizable herd of healthy bison, known for their strength and resilience. The bison roam freely across the expansive pasture, which is bordered by sturdy wooden fences.

Main House

A cozy, well-maintained farmhouse where Hab and Hilda live. The house is warm and inviting, often filled with the aroma of Hilda’s baking.


A large, well-constructed barn that houses farming equipment, hay bales, and provides shelter for the bison during inclement weather.

Blueberry Patches

Several well-tended blueberry bushes surround the farmhouse, providing the key ingredient for Hilda’s famous pies.

Key Personalities

Hab Grigsby

A grizzled, hardworking farmer with a deep love for the land and his bison. Despite his age, Hab is strong and capable, often found tending to the bison or repairing fences. He is known for his straightforward demeanor and fierce loyalty to those he trusts.

Hilda Grigsby

A warm and welcoming woman, Hilda is renowned for her culinary skills, particularly her blueberry pies. She is a motherly figure in the community, often providing comfort and advice to travelers and neighbors alike. Her pies are said to have a magical quality, capable of lifting spirits and mending hearts.

Community Role

The Grigsby Farmstead serves as a vital part of the local economy, providing high-quality bison meat and hides to Westkeep and surrounding areas. The farm is also a gathering place for the community, where people come to enjoy Hilda’s hospitality and share in the bounty of the land.

Cultural Significance

Blueberry Festival

Every summer, the farm hosts a small festival celebrating the blueberry harvest. Locals and visitors gather to enjoy Hilda’s pies, homemade preserves, and other blueberry-themed treats.

Winter Solstice Gathering

During the harsh winters, the Grigsbys open their home to travelers and neighbors for a warm, festive gathering to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Stories are shared, and Hilda’s pies are a central feature of the feast.

Mystical Elements

Forest Edge

The forest bordering the farm is said to be home to ancient spirits and mystical creatures. The Grigsbys have a respectful relationship with the forest, often leaving offerings to ensure the safety of their farm.

Crag Field

The crag field to the west is a rugged, untamed landscape rumored to be the site of hidden treasures and long-forgotten secrets. Adventurers occasionally seek permission from Hab to explore the area.

Challenges and Threats


The proximity to the forest and crag field means that the farm occasionally faces threats from wild animals, including wolves and bears.


Being one of the furthest farms from Westkeep, the Grigsbys sometimes struggle with isolation, particularly during harsh winters when travel is difficult.
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