The rainlands Attack on goblin war camp
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Attack on goblin war camp

Military action

9/11 19:00

The team takes a dangerous mission into an enemy camp in order to free some captives.

After two days of planning and preparation, the Mummers and the High Elfs of Analion attack the goblin war camp 2 miles from the city. Several prisoners were being held there, including many elven rangers and a young boy.  The plan was for the mummers to disguise themselves as hobgoblins and infiltrate the camp. Kivrin Ironfist, Taryth Moon and Erester Vandiir would free the prisoners through the west gate, while Kylar Thorn and Harpsy freed the animals from their pens as a distraction, then seal off the south entrance. The elven wizards, leaded by Ellar Amaendel would wall up and set fire to the north and east gates. The elven soldiers would attack the fleeing goblins coming from the west gate, with support from the rangers in the treeline. Using the ring of understanding, Kivrin convinced the guard at the west gate that they were there on official business as a prisoner transport. The guards let them through. The prisoner team then cut across the camps, encountering a sleeping Hill Giant that they took a wide berth around. The quickly located the prisoners who were chained together in pairs. Kivrin not only convinced the guard to unlock the barracks where the prisoners were being held, but to get them a cart to transport the prisoners.    On the other side of the camp, things did not quite go so smoothly. Kylar misty steped up to the top of the wall and let a rope down to Harpsy. They almost immediately bluffed their way past a guard, who was suspicious and yelled at them in goblinoid

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“Hey! Who the hell do you think you are?”
. Kylar then used his mage hand to tap the guard on the shoulder and get out of there. The guard was suspicious, but figured that it was just some higher ups playing tricks.   Harpsy and Kylar pretended to be drunk as they passed by some partying goblins

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