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10. Freyburn

20th of Beltane 2343   As the Brothers arrived at the Freyburn city gates they could smell the city had a noxious odor about it.  
A Bittersweet Homecoming
Shortly after passing through the city gates Ute was greeted by his long time friend and fellow member of the Sewer Rats, Ulf. Ulf was suprised to see his friend back in Freyburn, but he had some bad news Agaread the old crone who is the leader of the Sewer Rats has fallen ill with an affliction called Sewer Plague. Ulf had been waiting for a physician to tend to Agaread.   Guided by Ulf, his loyal friend and fellow Sewer Rat, they ventured into the fetid sewers, their hearts heavy with the news of Agaread's grave illness.   As they descended into the darkness, the physician examined the ailing crone, confirming her diagnosis with a grim expression. Sewer Plague, a deadly affliction that ravaged the inhabitants of the sewers, had claimed its latest victim. To save Agaread, they needed to gather four ingredients: Dragon's Blood, Black Widow's Tears, Crimson Stinging Shrooms, and Nightshade.   Ulf's knowledge proved invaluable. He whispered that the Untamed Shadow Gang, possessed Crimson Stinging Shrooms and with the ventilation system not working they maybe able to barter for the much needed shrooms.   Through treacherous tunnels and putrid canals, they navigated the sewers' treacherous depths. The air grew thick with the stench of decay, and the darkness seemed to close in around them. Yet, amidst the squalor and danger, a flicker of hope remained.  
Delving into the Funk Laden Sewers
At last, they reached a dilapidated hideout where the Untamed Shadow Gang was rumored to dwell and for non-sewer dwellers the stench has become almost unbearable. The Brothers were stopped by gang member guards, but the smooth talking Ingatius was able to convince them to bring them to Baudoin the leader of the Untamed Shadow Gang.   Ignatius and the Brothers were able to barter a deal with Baudoin. In exchange for repairing the Sewer Ventilation System the Brothers would be able to harvest some Crimson Stinging Shrooms which the Shadow gang have been growing in an abandoned tunnel.   Working diligently through the troubleshooting guide to the ventilation system Lucian did his best to translate the highly techical instructions from Draconic to Common so that Ignatius could attempt to fix the defunct ventilation system. As Lucian translated, Ignatius did his best to make heads or tails of the instructions. After a couple of bad translations, and missteps with repair the system started to rumble with displeasure. However, the two Brothers were able to fall into a groove of success and managed to pull the machine back from the brink restoring it to its optimal state.   Once the ventillation system was repaired the stench of the sewers quickly dissapated, allowing the Brothers and the rest of the residents of Freyburn relief from the noxious odors.   Baudoin, extremely pleased with Brothers happily lead them to the tunnels where the Crimson Stinging Shrooms were grown.   As Ute started cautiously harvesting the shrooms, to the Brother's surprise mycenoids had also taken residence in the abandon tunnels. Viewing the Brother's intrusion as a threat they defended themselves and the shrooms they were attempting to harvest. The myceniods unleashed their spores against the Brother's with minimal affect and the Brothers were able to make quick work of the myceniods.  
Expulsion of the Cult
As the Brothers were preparing to leave the sewers, Tim mentioned to Baudoin why they needed the shrooms and they were on the hunt for additional ingredients for Sewer Plague. Baudoin being prepper has been growing the necessary ingredients for the cure since the last outbreak was quite deadly. Baudoin then offered the other ingredients to the Brothers in exchange for helping rid the sewers of a cult that has taken root. Baudoin cautioned the Brothers not to take this mission lightly as they would need to get their "hands dirty". Being in the desperate spot they were in the Brothers agreed.   As Baudoin guided the Brothers to the tunnel inhabited by the cult the familiar smell of sulphur filled the air. As Ute and Sir Lesley charged into the chamber the Red Priest the leader of the cult was mid prayer with his misguided flock. Charging in the half of the cult members scattered at the sign of battle, however the other half drew their magically imbued weapons for combat.   Ute charged the Red priest, focused in on the singular goal of his demise and throwing caution into the wind. Ute face the Red Priest's flame whip along with a Hobgoblin's flaming morningstar. As Ute was to find out the morningstar was particularly brutal. Sir Lesley faced off against an Orc armed with a flaming great axe. The Orc landed some heavy blows against Sir Lesley, however he was able to best his foe with help from his Brothers, Ignatius and Lucian. Tim came under fire from a crossbow weilding goblin, but he and his wild spirit were able to dispatch the foe.   Battered and bruised Ute managed to wound the Priest gravely and then with the help of Lucian's Eldritch Blast they were able to finish off the Red Priest. After the foray had ended Ute could sense an evil presence coming from the giant red crystal. Ute picked up the morningstar and smashed the crystal and the evil presence had been banished. With the cult defeat the Brother's were able to get the remaining ingredients from Baudoin.   Returning to Sewer Rats Ute handed over all the ingredients to the Doctor and was able to brew the cure to the sewer plague.  
Celebration and Merriment
As the Brothers returned to the surface they went onto the The Crabby Bear Tavern. As soon as they entered the tavern Ingatius made a B-line to the gaming table in the back where two patrons were playing a game called "Eyes of the Beholder". Eyes of the Beholder is a game of chance played with enchanted dice. Sir Lesley, Tim, Ignatius, a Noble and a Gambler all played in the game of chance. The Noble was knocked out early with Ignatius and the Gambler being neck and neck for the lead. Ignatius was able to take the win, with Sir Lesley taking a close second place. Ignatius was able to fill his coin purse with the proceeds from the game.   While the Brothers were playing "Eyes of the Beholder" Ute had discovered Dragon's Breath Whiskey with a pair of dwarves in the tavern. Surprised by the strength of the drink Ute was forced to retire early.   Tim being the most curious of the Brothers overheard two patrons talking about bandits raiding farms along the Windpar Steppe and stealing grain from the farmers.   The next morning the Brothers meet up with the caravan and started the journey to Oakendale.
Sewer Plague
The Sewer Plague is a mysterious affliction that has been plaguing the sewers of the kingdom for centuries. Those who live in the sewers, such as adventurers, thieves, and the homeless, are particularly susceptible to the Sewer Plague.   The symptoms of the Sewer Plague are severe. Those infected experience intense fatigue, fever, chills, and body aches. The most horrifying symptom is the darkening of the skin around the eyes. This darkening slowly spreads across the face until the person’s entire face has turned black.   The only known cure for the Sewer Plague is a powerful elixir concocted from a combination of rare and powerful herbs. The ingredients for the elixir are as follows:
  • Dragon’s Blood - a potent herb found only in the deepest caves
  • Black Widow’s Tears - a rare flower found only in the darkest corners of the kingdom
  • Nightshade - a poisonous plant, which must be gathered in the early morning hours to ensure its potency
  • Crimson Stinging Shrooms - a rare fungus found in the sewersWhen mixed together in the proper proportions, the elixir can cure the Sewer Plague.
Those who have been cured are said to be blessed with a newfound strength and resilience.


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