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3. Skirmish at the Marketplace

The brothers had finally completed their first task as members of the Adventurer's Guild. They had successfully navigated the treacherous sewers of Rothevon and emerged, with a foul stench clinging to them, as they headed back to The Lazy Swan Tavern. Exhausted but triumphant, they made their way to the bar and were greeted by the guild master, Kulgaer Shatterbrew.   Kulgaer gave them their adventurer's tokens, a mark of recognition and acceptance into the guild. The brothers thanked Kulgaer and toasted to their new status. Finally, they would be able to escort caravans and be able to travel to Oakendale to continue the search for their father.   But before they could fully celebrate, the brothers remembered the bounty on the giant rats that had plagued the sewers. They eagerly turned in the tails they had collected, hoping to cash in on the reward. However, Kulgaer directed them to the Imperial Rat Catcher in the Market Place. Apparently, the city had a specific department for dealing with these pesky pests. The Brothers book rooms at the tavern, cleaned themselves up to get rid of the sewer stench.  

The Market Place

Feeling slightly disappointed but determined to earn their reward, the next morning the brothers set off to find the Rat Catcher. Along the way, they were distracted by the bustling stalls and shops of the Market Place. Tim couldn't resist buying some new supplies and provisions for their upcoming journey, while Ignatius and Ute marveled at the different goods on display.   Eventually, they located the Rat Catcher and exchanged the giant rat tails for a handsome sum of silver coins. But as they were counting their earnings, a kid grabbed Tim's coin purse and ran. After a few feet a commotion broke out in the Market Place. A bolt of lightning struck the center of the square, causing an unnatural darkness to fall over the area, the kid was awestruck and dropped the purse.   Before the brothers could react, mysterious humanoid creatures and giant crabs emerged from the shadows. The creatures started attacking innocent townsfolk, causing panic and chaos. The brothers immediately sprang into action, determined to protect the innocent and defeat these monsters.   Ute charged towards the creatures from the west, his glaive gleaming in the dim light. Tim, Lucian, and Ignatius approached from the south, ready to engage in battle. Sir Lesley, who had been on the far end of the market place raced to join his brothers. Together, they were a formidable force against the invading creatures.   With adrenaline pumping through their veins, the brothers fought fiercely, defending themselves and the townsfolk from the creatures' attacks. Sir Lesley used his masterful axe skills to take down multiple enemies, while Ute's swift movements were unmatched. Tim's fire were precise and deadly, while Ignatius' magic proved to be a powerful weapon.   But the battle was far from over. One of the creatures managed to injure a guard who had come to help, and eight innocent townsfolk had already lost their lives. The brothers fought on, determined to defeat every last creature and put an end to the chaos.   As the dust finally settled, the brothers were exhausted but relieved to have come out victorious. Captain Allric, the leader of the Imperial guards, arrived at the scene, thanking the brothers for their bravery and assistance. However, the mood quickly turned somber as they mourned the loss of the guard and townsfolk.   Captain Allric asked the Brothers to accompany him to the palace to explain what they had witnessed and the Brothers agreed.  

The Imperial Palace

As they entered the Golden Lion Throne room, Captain Allric led the way with his brothers, Tim, Ignatius, Sir Lesley, Ute, and Lucian following closely behind. The grandeur of the room was breathtaking, with its high ceilings, intricate tapestries, and golden furnishings. This was the seat of power of the Roniryn Empire, and the brothers couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence as they approached the throne.   They were greeted by Pegarius, the Imperial Chamberlain, and Lord Rolandus, the Emperor's advisor. The brothers bowed respectfully before them, and Pegarius welcomed them with a warm smile.   'Welcome, brave warriors,' he said. 'The Emperor has been eagerly awaiting your arrival.'   The brothers exchanged curious glances. All they knew was that they had been asked to detail the events that had taken place at the market place earlier that day, but they had no idea they would meet with the Emperor himself.   As they began to recount their encounter with the mysterious creatures, the young Emperor Colwyn Ronir joined them. He was a handsome and regal figure, with piercing blue eyes and a commanding presence. He listened intently as the brothers spoke, his expression growing more serious with each passing moment.   Pegarius interjected, 'This is the third such attack that has occurred in the city, and all of them have happened during the new moon. It is a cause for great concern.'   Lord Rolandus nodded in agreement. 'I believe this may be an attempt to destabilize the city by sowing the seeds of panic among the common folk.'   The brothers exchanged worried glances. They had never encountered such creatures before, and the fact that they seemed to be targeting the city during the new moon was a troubling thought.   The Emperor thanked the brothers for their bravery and quick thinking in stopping the creatures. He then turned to Pegarius and Lord Rolandus, 'What do you suggest we do to protect our city and its people?'   Pegarius spoke up, 'We have already increased the number of guards patrolling the streets during the new moon.'   The Emperor nodded in agreement and turned to the brothers, 'I would like to offer you a place within the palace for the night. You have done a great service to our city, and it is the least we can do to show our gratitude.'   The brothers were taken aback by the Emperor's generosity. They had expected to be thanked and sent on their way, but to be offered accommodations and access to the imperial baths was beyond their wildest dreams.   As they settled into their luxurious rooms and enjoyed the comforts of the palace, the brothers couldn't help but feel grateful for their unexpected turn of events. They were also filled with a sense of duty and determination to help protect the city and its people from any further attacks.   The next morning, as they prepared to depart with the trade caravan to their first destination, the city of Penkurth, the brothers couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the Emperor and his people. They had been welcomed with open arms and treated as heroes, and they were determined to do everything in their power to help keep the city safe.

Mysterious Creatures

Blood thirsty and ferocious these creatures wantonly attacked all within site. These creatures are semi-aquatic bipeds with gills, scales with a green tone, orange hued fins, and a tail. Web hands and feet adorned with sharp claws, and a large mouth that garnered a set of sharp teeth. Accompanying the creatures were giant crabs that they unleashed into the crowded marketplace.


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