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Side Quests

Tharnham Keep
Lord Pebblebrook was intruiged by lost secrets and amoung them was The Legend of Tharnham Keep.
What the players know:
They found a map with the suspected location of the lost keep according to Lord Pebblebrook. They have a book detailing the legend of the keep and mystical forge held in Tharnham Keep.  
What the players know:
The players were ambushed by a well coordinated attack on their caravan on the road from Rothevon to Penkurth.
  • The goblins appear to have been growing in strength and are lead by a hobgoblin named Srog the Emperor had put a bounty on his head.
Mysterious Creatures
What the players know:
While in the Rothevon marketplace, the Brothers were attacked by giant crabs and mysterious semi-aquatic humaniods. After the skirmish the Brothers were thanked by the Emperor himself for their bravery, and it was revealed that this is the third such attack. The attacks also seem to happen on days when it is a new moon.  
Bandits Raids
In Freyburn at The Crabby Bear Tavern Tim overheard a conversation between a mercenary and a commoner.
I hear that bandits have been raiding farms along the Windpar Steppe Steppe.
Those poor defenseless farmers, being out on the fringes of civilization. They make easy targets for any thugs.


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