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Beldrun is a small walled town on the North side of the Hrark River, just Northwest of the Mendel Mountain Range.  It is the largest town in the Hrark Valley and the only one with a stone wall.  A single gate in the NorthEast side of the wall leads to a road that splits a hundred or so feet from the gate.   The path Northward goes through Lettletun on the way to the logging villages of Mindan and New Iala. The path that splits eastward winds through the Mendle Mountains, passing by Mendelfast before coming to the Town of Supi and the East Trail; this eastern trail is rarely used, only during the winter when the Hrark River freezes over, or if one needs to reach Mendlefast.   The town has 1 large inn that doubles as a tavern, a few docks, and 2 temples.  The inn is called Iggly's Ivory Inn and is run by a curious kobold who calls himself Iggly.  He arrived in Beldrun in the Spring of 4031 with a substantial sum of gold, which he used to purchase the old inn and remodel it and paint it an ivory colour.  The docks are located in the Southeastern most portion of the town.  Most boats in the area are passing River Gnomes, but occasionally a ship comes from Supi and sometimes even from as far South as Mibran.  The Temple in the West portion of Beldrun is to the Trinitarian gods.  Not many in Beldrun go here for worship, they do join in the weekly celebrations an the other seasonal events.  The other temple is to the Mibrish Dragonlords.
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