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Church of the Trinity

Mythology & Lore

The Sentinel and the Watcher
Since the beginning of time, the The Watcher in the Web has watched from the shadows, manipulating the world against mankind, creating monsters and deceiving men into committing acts of violence against one another.  The The Solemn Sentinel took it upon himself to guard humanity.  He, along with his two sisters, The Mirthful Maiden and The Weeping Woman, came to the earth and taught men to resist the ways of darkness and depravity.  Ever since, the Church of the Trinity has done its utmost to guard against the encroaching darkness of The Watcher.   The Weeping Teacher
In the early days of man, we knew little of anything.  Often men would die of cold simply because he did not know the secrets of fire.  Seeing the sad existence of men, The Weeping Woman wept in pity and anger that the The Watcher in the Web had kept the secrets of the world to himself and not shared them with men.  She snuck into the darkness and stole the secrets of fire and steel from him and gave them to men, beginning a new age of prosperity and enlightenment.   The Maiden of Merriment
In days of old, men lived lives of hard labour and constant fear.  The Mirthful Maiden brought to man the gift of alcohol and vice to ease their suffering.  With these gifts, men could now enjoy their lives, freeing them from their fear of The Watcher in the Web and his minions of evil.

Divine Origins

it is believed by some that the Church came about after the Humans in the Prost Forest region became aware of the Elves being shown proof of the existence of the Elven gods.  After centuries of a lack of divine presence, the clear and tangible presence of god-like beings seems to have started the roots of the religion, which slowly grew to a following in the thousands.  This is disputed by the Church, which claims that it is a lie of the Watcher and that those who believe it and spread it are playing into his webs.

Cosmological Views

The Church of the Trinity holds that the only true gods in the universe are The Solemn Sentinel, The Mirthful Maiden, and The Weeping Woman. These 3 together are known as the Trinity. The church also believes in Angels who do the bidding of the gods and they believe in a single evil force known as The Watcher in the Web.   They believe that the earth is the realm of The Watcher in the Web and humans came to live there after their home-plane was destroyed.  They believe that The Watcher in the Web kept humans around to torment them for his amusement before the Trinity came from heaven to teach and protect them.

Tenets of Faith

The Mirthful Maiden 
The tenets of the Maiden are thus: -Be merry in your toils and comfort others in their woes -Be kind and gracious to your fellow men -Celebrate the end of seasons   The Solemn Sentinel
The tenets of the Sentinel are thus: -Be vigilant for evil from both within and without -Guide and guard the weak and vulnerable -Be ready for battle against the Enemy   The Weeping Woman 
The tenets of the Woman are thus: -Do justice on those who have wronged you and yours -Justice must be observed for those who cannot carry it out themselves -Strike down the monsters and followers of the watcher wherever they may be


The priests of the Church are divided into three classes, one for each of the three deities.  Each of the 3 sects of the Church is controlled by a different class, dependant on which of the Trinity it deems the most important.  The most common way of telling the groups apart is by the color of their robes.  Followers of the Sentinel usually wear grey or white, while the followers of the Woman wear purple or black, and the followers of the Maiden wear green.

Granted Divine Powers

The priests of the Church are granted a divine power from their belief and worship.  These powers are usually in the form of healing magic, but other abilities are possible.  With focus and prayer, these spells and magic can grow in might.  Some priests are even able to return the dead to life.


There are three groups of Trinitarians who claim to be the true church within their own nation. Each of these groups put a different one of the three deities of the Trinity. The Church in Prost emphasizes The Weeping Woman, claiming that the most important function of the church is justice and fierce protection of holy values. The Church in The Princeship of Lamlou emphasizes the The Solemn Sentinel and protection against moral evil and the watcher in the web, however they have little power within the nation. Trinitarians in Youk Kingdom are more inclined to worship the mirthful maiden and are the most tolerant of other beliefs.
Founding Date
Religious, Other
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