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Jarsokka (Jar-soe-kah)


Jarsokka is a Unitary state governed by a well defined and maintained bureaucracy. Positions with this bureaucracy and in Jarsokkan society as a whole are divided by station. The largest determining factor of station is whether a person is inhabited by a Lycanthropic spirit and if they are, what variety it is. Those with Lycanthropic spirits are divided into six orders. Each of these six orders are given jurisdiction over aspects of the governence of the state. Just because a person has a spirit of the type required to belong to one of the orders, it does not autimatically grant them a government position. It is merely a prequisite to obtain the position.

The Canis Order

The Canis Order is made up of those possessed by the Lycanthropic spirit of wolves. Members of the Canis Order can take government positions with the authority to track down criminals and have unlimited power of arrest, with the exeption of those belonging to one of the six orders.  

The Corvus Order

Those with the Lycanthropic spirits of ravens belong to the Corvus Order. Members of the Corvus Order have access to high level administrative positions. It is the Corvus Order who ensure that the city and districts run as they should.  

The Rattus Order

Those with the Lycanthropic spirits of rats are members of the Rattus Order. The Rattus Order does not have a particular specialty. They have access to many lower level positions that the other orders view as beneath them. Of all the orders, the Rattus Order is closest to the common Jarsokkans.  

The Scrofa Order

The Scrofa Order includes all those possessed by the Lycanthropic spirits of boars. All high level military positions are exclusive to the Scrofa Order. Lower level military positions are available to the Rattus Order, and members of other orders are allowed to join as auxillaries. If a military operation is being run in or from one of the non-capital districts, the Tiger Prince responsible for that district has ultimate jurisdiction over it. The High Tiger Prince in office has jurisdiction over any military operation based in the capital district.  

The Tigris Order

All weretigers are members of the Tigris Order. Any weretiger above the age of twenty is permitted to vote in the Tiger Council in Jarsokka, stand for election to the office of High Tiger Prince, and hold one of the four non-capital districts.  

The Ursine Order

Those of the Ursine Order have the Lycanthropic spirits of bears. Only members of the Ursine Order can take religious government appointments. Members of other orders and even regular Jarsokkans can obtain priestly powers and can take very minor positions at temples, they cannot hold higher office.  

The Senate

The Senate is a body made up of the Tigris Order. Every five years, one of its members is elected by the Orders to stand as the High Prince of Jarsokka, sometimes called the High Tiger Prince. The High Prince is on charge of overseeing elections (including those for their successor), putting forward legislation for the Senate to vote on, and is responsible for the administration of the capital district. They have the power to declare acts, which can be repealled by the Senate after the High Prince. Acts are restricted to dealing with events that require immeadiate action.    There are stations for voting in the largest population center in each of the five districts. As only members of the six orders can vote, there tend to be more of them in the cities than in the countryside.    After a High Prince has served their five year term, they are assigned to one of the four non-capital districts. For the next twenty years, they will have control of that district, are payed a yearly stipend, and are called a Tiger Prince. While holding a territory, they can still vote in the Senate and are not required to live in their district. This usually results in the Tiger Princes ruling their districts from the capital district. In fact, no Tiger Prince in the last one hundred years has lived in their district for more than a month at a time.   If a Tiger Prince dies before their twenty year assignment is up, the current High Prince must immeadiately resign and take their place after holding an election for their own successor. They are not given a full term of their own, instead serving the remainder of their predessor's term. This goes for the newly elected High Prince as well.

Demography and Population

The vast majority of Jarsokka's population are Jarsokkan Humans. Some minorities of other races and human ethnicities exist, primarily in the cites. Around five hundred thousand people live in Jarsokka, with around five percent (twenty-five thousand) being werebeasts of one kind or another.


Jarsokka is divided into 5 districts: the Capital District, the East District, the West District, and the Coast District. Each of these districts is governed by a Tiger Prince and a number of administrators from the Corvus Order. The capital district is controlled by the High Prince.


Jarsokka has a national military, controlled and commanded by the Scrofa Order, though the High Prince and Tiger Princes have authority over, if not command of, armies in their territories. By signing the Mildale Treaties, Jarsokka agreed to limit its standing army to only ten thousand members. In 4050 MA, the standing army consisted of six thousand infantry, two thousand cavalry, one thousand archers, and one thousand werebeast auxiliaries.


Lycan spirit worxhip has been the mandated religion of Jarsokka since its founding. Every settlement of significant size has a temple and most villages have a shrine. Every temple has an appointed member of the Ursine Order who oversees it and ensures worship is regularily attended.    Although the signing of the Treaty of Religion (one of the Mildale Treaties) now prevents Jarsokka from stopping those who wish to worship other deities, it does not prevent them from mandating the worship of Lycanthropic spirits and, by extension, the members of the six orders.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Tigris Order
Judicial Body
Corvus Order
Executive Body
Canis Order
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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