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Youk Kingdom


Each settlement within Youk Kingdom is ruled by one or more Barons or Baronesses. They administer the settlement and the land immediately around it for the local Count or Countess, who serves one of the six Dukes and Duchesses of the Kingdom. These Dukes and Duchesses answer directly to the King or Queen.



Upon the death or abdication of a Noble, their titles are most often passed to the eldest child though, if specified prior to death, some titles can be divided between their children. This is often done when both parents hold titles in separate areas of the kingdom. In these instances, it is common that the greater title or set of titles is given to the eldest child, while the lesser title is granted to the second child. For instance, if a Countess married a Duke, their eldest child would inherit their father's Duchy, while the second child would receive their mother's County.   If no legitimate children exist, the title can pass to the younger siblings of the title holder, starting with the eldest and proceeding onwards. If a deceased sibling left legitimate children, the title passes to the offspring before the younger siblings.   If no siblings, niblings, or grand niblings exist, the title acts as though the previous holder of the title had just passed and continues onwards from there.   In the case of an abdication prior to the birth of children, the title passes to younger siblings, but does not revert to the abdicator's children unless and until the sibling passes without legitimate issue.   If no records can provide a legitimate successor, the Crown takes possession of the title and lands until a worthy family to bestow it upon, either raising a new noble, adding land and title to a adjacent noble's current holdings, or dividing it amongst its neighbors. Occasionally, these lands are held by the Crown for years or even decades.


Since the time of Tain Youk, the Kings and Queens of Youk Kingdom have had exclusive trading rights with the various Western Dwarf Kings of the Prost Shield. So long as Youk Kingdom can provide food, lumber, and protection; gold will continue to flow into the crown's coffers.

Demography and Population

In 4050 MA, it was estimated that there are around one hundred fifty seven thousand residents of Youk Kingdom in 4050 MA. The vast majority of these residents of Youk Kingdom are Westrin Humans, though minorities of other races and ethnicities can be found in the nations more urban centers.


The Youk Kingdom once proclaimed all the land west of the Jakarak Desert and south of The Hrakken Empire. After the Youkan Civil War, their land was reduced to the area northwest of the Prost Shield and the Riverland.   Modern Youk Kingdom is divided into six duchies, each administered by a Duke or Duchess appointed (or confirmed) by the King or Queen of Youk Kingdom. The Royal Duchy is the largest of these, stretching from just across the river from Yuondao in the south, to the border with the Hrakken Empire in the north.   The Royal Duchy is overseen directly by the King or Queen of the kingdom. In the year 4050 MA, that is Queen Jordyn X, though she is at present too young to do any actual administration. It is by far the largest of the duchies, consisting of seven counties, the Royal County being both the largest and richest.   The Riverland Duchy is overseen by the Caer family. The current Duchess is Taala Caer. The Riverland Duchy is highly militarized, particularly after the Demon War, primarily set to defend against invasions from the Princeship of Lamlou. It is of moderate size, consisting of five counties: Moess County, Dao County, South Dao County, Raen County, and Saeren County.   The Duchy of Magrae is overseen by the Grae family. The current Duke is Youk Grae. After the Demon War, the duchy is the most well defended of any region in the west, with a representative force from every nation in the Western Coalition in Mildale County. Magrae County, though the de jure capitol county, is waning in importance as the large soldier population in Mildale is driving trade up river. The duchy is of moderate size, consisting of five counties.   The Duchy of Tain is overseen by a cadet branch of the Gilren Family. The current Duke is Jordis Gilren, the six year-old half brother of Jordyn X. It is the second richest duchy in the kingdom, primarily from profitable trade with the Western Dwarves of the mountains. The duchy is of moderate size, consisting of five counties.   The Duchy of Toyuk is overseen by the Gaen family. The current Duke is Hoswen Gaen, named for his ancestor, Hoswald Gaen. Though no the smallest duchy, Toyuk is not divided into counties. This limits the prestige of the title somewhat while also affording the Gaens a lot of personal power.   The Duchy of Dao is overseen by the Yuon family. The current Duchess is Jordyn Yuon. Though the smallest of all the duchies, Dao is divided into five counties and has a substantially higher population density than the rest of the kingdom. Yuondao County is the capital county of the duchy, controlled directly by the Yuons. The fishing village southeast of Yuondao is controlled by the Caenar family.


In times of war, the King or Queen of Youk Kingdom calls upon their Dukes and Duchesses to raise their armies. As the monarch is also the Duke or Duchess of the Royal Duchy by default, they also raise their own personal army.   The Royal Duchy is obligated to provide at a minimum: seven thousand eight hundred foot soldiers, five hundred light cavalry, one hundred Knights, and eighteen spellcasters.   The Duchy of Dao is obligated to provide at a minimum: four thousand seven hundred fifty foot soldiers, one hundred light cavalry, twenty-five Knights, and one spellcaster.   The Duchy of Magrae is obligated to provide at a minimum: four thousand five hundred foot soldiers, fifty light cavalry, twelve Knights, and one spellcaster.   The Duchy of Tain is obligated to provide at a minimum: three thousand two hundred fifty foot soldiers, one hundred light cavalry, twenty Knights, and six spellcasters.   The Duchy of Toyuk is obligated to provide at a minimum: one thousand six hundred fifty foot soldiers, two hundred fifty light cavalry, twenty Knights, and six spellcasters.   The Riverland Duchy is obligated to provide at a minimum: four thousand one hundred foot soldiers, two hundred light cavalry, fifty Knights, and six spell casters.   All combined, Youk Kingdom could field a force of twenty-six  thousand foot soldiers, one thousand two hundred light cavalry, two hundred thirty-five Knights, and thirty-eight spellcasters with its minimum commitments.   There is also a standing force of soldiers in Mildale from across the Western Coalition. Each nation provides five hundred soldiers, a total of four thousand, which is as large or larger than the civilian population of Mildale. This army is officially neutral, but tensions between various contingents sometimes boil over into brawls.


The sect of the Church of the Trinity in power in Youk Kingdom holds the Mirthful Maiden as the most important of the Tripartite and see the Elven Faith's Milael as another way of representing the Tripartite.

Foreign Relations

Before the formation of the Western Coalition, Youk Kingdom was frequently at war with its neighbors. Most of these conflicts were little more than border skirmishes between nobles of different nations, but others were intense multi-generational conflicts. The historical foes of Youk Kingdom were the Princeship of Lamlou, Prost, and the Hrakken Empire.   In recent centuries, there has been very little conflict between Jarsokka and Youk Kingdom.   As a founding member of the Western Coalition, Youk Kingdom is now in partial leadership of a massive area and a has ample opportunity to trade as far north as the Grand Kingdom of Midrasus.


  • Youk Kingdom
Founding Date
2757 MA
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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