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Fall of Nightcrest Academy

Disaster / Destruction

37th of Autumn, Year 1088

Unbeknownst to students and faculty, Headmaster Odym Idolin had been completing a hidden maze beneath Nightcrest Academy in search of a powerful artifact-- one that he found on this day, triggering a magical event that opened a huge Shadowfell crossing and shifted the entire school onto that plane. Several professors and students were lost in the Shadowfell during this event, with the rest of the 98th and 99th classes displaced and forced to relocate with guidance from the Adventurer's Guild. Idolin claimed that Castalia Nightcrest had been buried beneath the school within the maze, and that the artifact he now possesses-- an Eye, which replaced his own-- once belonged to her. According to Idolin, Nightcrest was herself a powerful necromancer and would have wanted this shift into the Shadowfell to occur. Before the school fully planeshifted, the Wild Hunt appeared above Nightcrest Academy and seemed to ride directly into the school-- hunting Idolin, perhaps, or one of the monsters that accompanied him during his ritual.

Related Location
The Shadowfell
Related timelines & articles
History of The Realms