Ackmard's Watch Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Ackmard's Watch

Ackmard's Watch is a relatively young city. It was founded only a few hundred years ago as a launch point of an expedition against the vampire lords of Nekrovka. Since then the city has become a gathering hub of all kinds of folks. Some come for a new life in the relatively untamed frontier while others come for greater safety from the more commonly present dangers found in other parts of the world. The city is relatively small, but has a fairly large farming community surrounding it. A small order of knights known as the Vigilants of Ackmard also maintain several small forts, intended to serve as an early warning should the undead ever march on the living, but most of their time they spend as standard guards for the city, and providing training for young adventurers.


60% Human, 10% Dwarf, 10% Elf, 10% Halfling, 10% Other


Ackmard's Watch is run as both a military and civilian government. The High Commander of the Vigilants of Ackmard takes control during times of war and manages the military force of the city, but there is also an elected minister in charge of civilian affairs.


The city is protected by the Vigilants of Ackmard, an order of warriors dedicated to protecting the region from incursions by the undead. The city also has a network of devices called sunstones that use holy magic to maintain protective enchantments on the city.
Founding Date
Yeah 3952 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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