Silverhall Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Silverhall is a republic ruled by a high elector with an elected council and an aristocratic council. The city is largely populated by humans, but there are a number of dwarves, halfings, and elves that also call the city home as the city engages in frequent trade with the rest of the world. It also has the largest port on the continent due to its proximity to the Western continent. The city also maintains diplomatic communication with most of the other major cities in the world. Silverhall maintains a fairly large military force compared to most cities as it works to protect the trade in the region from incursions by the various creatures that dwell in the mountains. It also signed an accord with Ackmard’s Watch that it would come to its aid should Nekrvka ever attack.


65% Human, 15% Elf, 10% Halfling, 5% Dwarf, 5% Other
Founding Date
3705 of the Fourth Age
Large city
Location under

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