Mount Titus Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Mount Titus

The city is built along the side of a mountain surrounded by the towering bones of an ancient god beast, known as the Titan Troll. The sounds of mining can be heard all throughout the day and night, and many smokestacks reveal the forges are also constantly in use. The bones of the slowly regenerate a strong metallic substance that the town mines and forges into tools. The mining of the bones serves another purpose besides profit. Many researchers believe that the Titan Troll is still alive, and that if allowed to grow for too long it will eventually fully regenerate and then awaken once more to cause destruction. The region surrounding Mount Titus is also filled with a wide variety of trolls that appear to be drawn toward the body of the Titan Troll. As a result, Mount Titus boasts a highly trained team Trollslayers who regularly explore the area and keep trade routes safe, and a fairly advanced alchemy industry has developed in the city. A common expression that has arisen is swearing “by the Bones of the Beast”, to indicate that something is as important to you as the bones are to the town.


90% Dwarves, 5% Gnomes, 5% Other

Industry & Trade

The main focus of the city's economy is based on mining the ore from the bones as well as other mines in the mountain. The city exports a large number of high quality tools, weapons, and gemstones. The city also has a sizable alchemy industry that develops explosives for mining and weapons to combat the trolls with.


Thousands of years ago the Titan Troll roamed the western side of the island, causing widespread destruction every few decades when it awoke. None had been able to bring it down due to the thick armored plating that covered it, and the incredibly regenerative properties the creature had. After centuries of attacks, a young Besdren Steelback made it his goal to bring down the beast. Gathering a large group of alchemists, mages, and warriors he conducted a plan to end the Titan Troll once and for all. Together they forged a series of mighty weapons and were able to topple the beast before doing it with fire and acid for an entire day and night. Afterward Besdren decided that he and his descendants would watch over the site of the trolls demise to ensure that it could never reform.
Founding Date
2503 of the Fourth Age
Location under

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