
Public epidemiologic record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

Content Warning
Disease, parasitism, pandemic/outbreak, light descriptions of biological processes.
Ablateocosis is a collection of symptoms caused by infection from plenumeiosic pathogens. As all known plenumeiosic pathogens are a part of different species' plenumeiosis the infections are near-always fatal. Onset of symptoms tend to be quick and acute.  

Etymology & Definition

The name was derived from the word 'ablate' which means 'to remove or dissipate by melting, vaporization, erosion, etc'.   According to pathologist Dr. Kirione Wollmer, the choice of name was made due to one of the most common symptoms of far-progressed infection was irreversible, complete cellular breakdown, which can cause the external appearance of the infected victim "literally melting into ooze".  


Ablateocosis is classified as a pathogenic disease caused by an active infection from a plenumeiosic pathogen. While some plenumeiosic pathogens have unique onset signs, once infection is ongoing the symptoms are mostly parallell across all of them.

Condition Data

Pathogenic Disease
Airborne Spores
Indirect Contact
Parasitic Invasion
Usual Onset
Within minutes
0-60 days

Geopolitical Data

Affected Groups
Organisms using water (H2O) or ammonia (NH3) as their primary solvent.
Mortality Rate
Near-always fatal

Cause & Transmission

All plenumeiosic pathogens are spread via a vector organism, all of which are suspected to originate from the Darkverse. The exact form of pathogen and method of transmission varies between species. A common denominator for plenumeiosic pathogens is that they're always a required component of a species' plenumeiosis, and that they are all highly infective and observe high virulence.  

Susceptible Species

Only water- and ammonia-based organisms have proven susceptible to plenumeiosic pathogens, while hydrosulfate- and hydrocyanide-based organisms so far have been fully immune to infection.
  The initial conclusion of plenumeiosic pathogens always being viral or viral-like, and that plenumeiosis is a form of replication rather than reproduction, has proven erroneous. Exactly when the pathogenic infection is initiated during plenumeiosis differs between species, and it's exact function and result may also vary.  

Primary Ablateocosis

The agglamus is an amobeoid slime mold that actively and indiscriminately hunts for compatible organisms to infect. It shows signs of sentience, perhaps even semi-sapience, in the way it's able to predict and adapt to behavioral changes in its prey - it's even proven capable of circumventing measures taken by sapient species.   Simpler organisms are consumed for energy while complex lifeforms are infected through their soft tissues, leading to rapid cell structure breakdown and assimilation through plenumeiosis - contributing to a net gain in mass of the slime mold.

Skethal Infestation

Marrowblight is the common name for a family of fungi, containing twelve identified separate species. Their spores have so far been observed to infect organisms in one of three different ways: via the airways, as exoparasitic growths, or by using the agglamus as a vector. The eight species utilizing the last method of infection all form the base of the diverse Sketh biota.

Viromorphic Agents

This is an umbrella term for virion-like, microscopic organisms utilized by certain species to facilitate reproduction through endoparasitic incubation, endoparasitic fusion, or morphogenesic assimilation with a single, chosen host organism. Known species that make use of viromorphic agents are the Ahn Kereu, Sejotai, Ranomaru, and Uyetsoub.  

Morphogenesic Assimilation

The Sejotai and Uyetsoub species require a compatible organism of, at minimum, roughly the same mass as itself for successful plenumeiosis. The purpose of incorporating a victim organism appears to be the avoidance of pathogenetic replication during the production of offspring.   Sejotai's plenumeiosis definitely fall within the definition of reproduction as the result was always distinctively unique offspring. The number of offspring produced was directly related to the amount of compatible biomass available during the plenumeiosis.   The purpose of the Uyetsoub's plenumeiosis appeared to be creating a new iteration of the self rather than reproducing. They may have an alternate plenumeiosic process to facilitate true reproduction, but if so its exact mechanisms are unknown.

Endoparasitic Incubation

Ranomaru are a family comprised of five identified separate species that live as opportunistic omnivores, often referred to as 'lazy hunters' due to primarily seeking out carrion and decaying plant matter for sustenance.   At the end of their life-cycle ranomaru reproduce by laying eggs into a host animal. Plenumeiosis is used to utilize the host's genetic material to create non-pathogenetic embryos from the injected eggs. The resulting larva will feed off the remaining flesh of their host, and then go through metamorphosis into the juvenile stage.  
Since ranomaru may be distantly related to the uyetsoub, some theorize that the latter may utilize a similar plenumeiosic process to facilitate true reproduction.
— Notation by Dr. Tybulus Svilen

Endoparasitic Fusion

Ahn Kereu are dependent on the metabolic system of a host body for survival, and their larva will seek to enter the skull of a viable organism through any of its orifices, consume the brain and situate itself in the resulting cavity.   Plenumeiosis is initiated shortly after during which the larva will go through metamorphosis to its adult stage as well as fuse itself with the overtaken body's system to, in all effects, replace the original brain and steer the body as a vehicle - often called a Keurunic Husk. While technically any medium to large size animal would be viable, historically they have a preference for the bodies of hominin sapient species.


Preventative Measures

Riftgate Control Ports

Infestations of agglamus and marrowblight-carrying agglamus remains a considerable threat to riftcraft travel. Most worlds with operable riftgates have instituted complementary control station loci manned by trained security personnel. Their primary role is to detect a riftcraft carrying the agglamus and detain it before it can reach civilization and spread.   Some of the checkpoints maintained by control stations are taxed, but exempts from the tax can be made if the riftcraft meets the upper ends of the security standards or is considered at no risk of becoming infested.

Unmanned Riftcrafts

Many transport companies have opted to invest synthid drones or even autonomous neuralims instead of conventional manpower, and despite the high upfront investment most have seen a net gain in profit.   As the agglamus appears drawn to compatible biomass operating with freighters that has no biological entities aboard means these companies can save in on security measures, riftgate control ports fees, and crew insurance. There is also a significantly lessened risk of crafts and cargo being damaged or even lost.

DT-FR Quadrant Containment

The Sketh Confluence is a region within the DT-FR quadrant of space that's under strict containment due to a past, severe outbreak of agglamus and marrowblight. The outbreak quickly went out of control and resulted in 13 previously inhabitated solar systems - including the Ktlac Ktlac homeworld of Klaxas - being fully claimed by far advanced Sketh ecosystems.   The infestation originated from the nearby Skethas Companions, and there's a lot of evidence suggesting that both satellites might be completely overrun.

Culture & Society


While the pathogenic disease itself remains fairly unknown among the general populace, the vectors acting as transmitters of its pathogens are known causes for widespread panic during several occassions over the centuries. The agglamus and marrowblight remain a source of horror tales among spacefarers, while both records of true accounts and persisting urban myths about the ranomaru, sejotai and uyetsoub are abundant.  


Due to the high infectivity of most plenumeiosic pathogens, the intentional infection of oneself or others is considered a felony in most galactic states. Additionally, in the United Worlds, Rin Sovereignty and The Lukariat doing so for the purpose of spreading the agglamus or skethal infestation is considered an act of bio-terrorism.   In the event of agglamus or skethal infestation being discovered in a civilized region, citizens are encouraged to listen and adhere to any preventative measures communicated by their government.

Misconceptions & Superstition

The Kyr's Hand have deitified the agglamaus as a omnipotent being meant to integrate all life in the universe into a collective consciousness. While they so far appear primarily concerned with proselytizing their convictions, any signs of extremism should be immediately reported to the nearest security officials.

Cover image: by TheDigitalArtist


Author's Notes

This will be expanded on in the future. I had to stop for now so I can get more than one prompt done. :)

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Jul 22, 2024 23:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

SCIENCE. TERRIFYING SCIENCE. D: D: D:   I am looking forward to seeing the expanded version in the future! This article is already so fascinating (and horrifying).

Aug 12, 2024 13:05 by Nimin N

Thank you, looking forward to it as well. :) I was thinking of making an accompanying natural law for plenumeiosis to go with it that offers a more general description of what it is and does for the different species.

Aug 4, 2024 15:52 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Ooooh, I'm happy to see a return of the uyetsoub! They remain my fav in your world XD So horrifying and fascinating...   So are all of these fungi similar to the uyetsoub, just different species variations? Or do they have different degree of intelligence, different culture? And how do they regard each other?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 12, 2024 13:19 by Nimin N

The idea I had was that the all of these form their own evolutionary biota, and would have their own rough equivalents to our taxonomic domains (archaea, bacteria, (and in some systems also eukarya)).   The sketh, uyetsoub, and ahn kereu would come from different evolutionary trees, so they'd be related to each other in the same sense we humans are related to other animals, or even plants and bacteria depending on how far back they split from each other. I'm not quite finished building their taxa. :)