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Holy Ishvan Union

The Holy Ishvan Union is a theocratic nation lead by the head of the church known as the Far Seeing Guide, they are assisted by the Guides of the Faithful. This is a semi-elected body of indiviguals ment to assist and advise the Far Seeing Guide in the ruling of the nation.


The culture of the Holy Ishvan Union is focused on following the tenents of the Twins of Salvation, this has resulted in a nation that heavely prioritizes the natural state of the planets, a close care for others, and an inherent belief that all should follow the faith. Thus most of the settelments and cities of the Union have a high integrate with the natural enivroment, with great amount of greenery and the people conforming to the terrain rather than shaping the world around them. The focus on ther vaule of the community has resulted in those in the Union being some of the most giving in humanity, though they can still be quite crule to those who are not consitered part of the community. Then comes the belief by most that one should be a member of the states faith, though not legaly required much of the populace is encoreged and belives it is their duty to show the correct way to the unenlightened. Thus many of the Ishvan will continuously work to convert any nonbeliver they know, and some may discriminate based on who belives or even how devout one is.

Demography and Population

National Population: 8.6 Billion
Average Life Expectancy: 143 years
Birth Rate: 2.5
Literacy: 99%


Holy Ishvan Navy

The Holy Ishvan Navy like all nations in the Salus Cluster the Ishvan Navy is the largest part of the nation's military receving around 74% of the military buget. However unlike the union's main rival in the Elysian Empire the navy is not highly repected, this is due to the various defeats and high losses suffered in the latter half of the War Of The Cluster. Much of the nation, while still seeing the navy's nessesity, dont view it as an insperartional or golrious way to serve the nation. This has resulted in an agressive and belicose admiralty seaking to prove the navy's value. The Holy Ishvan Navy can be divided into the Fleet ships, Strike Ships, and Marines.

Holy Ishvan Army

The Holy Ishvan army has the most service memebers of the Ishvan military, and recives an average of 26% of the buget. The Holy Ishvan Army has a simular perception promblem as the navy but due to the fact that the army was unable to succure any of the planets within the systems the navy occupied, and the Hanyang the one planet they did occupy, they lost it almost imediatly. This plus the fact that the army recives less funding and importance has left recruiting very difficult. The Holy Ishvan Army is divisiable into Land and Air Corps.

Divine Origins

With the ever declining state of the world in 26 BE (2154 CE) Matyas Ishvan began speaking upon the future of humanity and its self destructive, ignorent, actions. Due to the chaos of the confilct and desprate evacuation of Alaria it is unclear as to if Ishvan saw the twins Varash and Varak as metaphores or real deities, this has resulted in two main sects of followers the Analogists and the Deists. The Anologists belive that with how recently Ishvan began preaching Varak and Varash that they and thier actions were in acutulality angology and metaphor for the general populace. Thus this element of the faith are more focused on making people learn about the teachings of the faith and less perturbed by doubts and skepticism. In comparison the Deists belive that Varak and Varash are real deities that have merly been miss understood by humanity creating false religions. The Deists often are the most insistant in proselytizing the faith to others in and out of the Union.

Tenets of Faith

The Twins Of Salvation focus upon the ideals of community, sustanibility, and proselytism. For

To Spread The Truth

Founding Date
734 AE
Alternative Names
Ishvan, The Union
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Legislative Body
Varak's Speakers
Judicial Body
The Holy Observers
Official State Religion

Tenuous Peace

Tenuous Peace


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