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Jazirat Kingdom

The Jazirat Kingdom has the oldest continuous government within the cluster, with an absolute monarchy supported by a neofudal nobility. Thus most legilslative power lies in the ruling king or queen with lower level laws being within the perviue of the nobility. This has resulted in the local nobility having most judical control insted of any set judical system.


In the Culture of the Kingdom Of Jazirat the monarchy and nobility have succefuly created cults of personality around themselfs. Thus much of the average Jaziratan's life is in service of either thier ruling nobel or the monarch. This has created a neofudalism within the kingdom, however there are several differences. One of these differences is the fact that

Demography and Population

National Population: 5.3 Billion
Average Life Expectancy: 122 years
Birth Rate: 3.3
Literacy: 84%


The Jazirat Kingdom's military is the most unique of the four nations in the cluster. This is due to the fact that with the planets and stations being ruled by fudal nobility the Jazirat Kingdom effectivly has several diffrent navies all working together. However the monarchy does still field a signifciantly larger profesional navy that forms the majority of the kingdoms naval power and is the main point of comparison by its rivals.

Onwards To A Glorius Future

Founding Date
51 AE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Jazirat, The Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy

Tenuous Peace

Tenuous Peace

Tenuous Peace


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