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Major Events

Common Era

... 1 BE

  • -130 BE

    2050 World Tempeture

    Average tempeture of Alaria reaches 25 C or 77 F in 2050

  • -129 BE

    -5 BE

    The Final Wars
    Military: War

    Alaria sees a serise of wars sweep through the world, devistating much of the planet 2052-2175

  • -38 BE

    First Generation Ship Begins Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    The Arcadian Republic faced with an imminet water crisis begins construction on the first generation ship to leave Alaria. 2142

After Exodus

1 AE and beyond

After humanity evacudated Earth

  • 5 AE

    To the Salus Cluster

    Groups of generation ships from the Elysian continent, the Veran nations, The East Genvil Alliances, and four ships from the southern continents make up the largest groups begining thier journey to recently discovered star cluster SC-529 (The Salus Cluster) from 5-24 AE (2185-2209)

  • 51 AE

    Jazirat Kingdom Formed

    Navar Dal Balii launches a bloodless takeover of the lead generation ship of the East Genvil Alliances, he proclaims himself King and the formation of the Jazirat Kingdom.

  • 92 AE

    97 AE

    The Cooperate Coup
    Military: War

    In 92 AE the generation ships consisting of peoples from the Elysian continent, see the former leaders of various cooperations launch a coup against the civilian government. Though ultimatly defeated much of the civilian leadership was killed in the conflict.

  • 97 AE

    106 AE

    Formation of the Elysian Empire

    After the coorprate coup leadership largely fell to the main commander of loyalist forces Cedric Alba, though he would manage to restore much of the democratic institutions, the pricarious state of the generation ships would see him remain with significant power. In 106 dispite his own reservations a vote for him to remian with his powers for life would pass at 72% support, though not decided at the time these powers would later be passed down to his daughter and would in effect create the Elysian Empire.

  • 329 AE

    361 AE

    Famine and Rise of the Twins of Salvation
    Religious event

    In 329 AE the generation ships of Veran would pass by a small swarm of asteroids, though this would normaly not be a problem, however undetected damage from the initinal evacuations on two of the ships would lead to the venting of a third of their food stocks. The resulting famine would provide the memebers of a growing religion known as the Twins of Salvation the opertunity to gain significant followers over the next decades. This would see a full third of the population as worshipers by the end of the famine in 361.

  • 538 AE

    Twins Of Salvation Gain Power
    Religious event

    The Twins Of Salvation religion gets declared state religion of Veran generation ships with 84% of the population and most government officials as some form of worshiper.

  • 732 AE

    Salus Cluster Reached
    Discovery, Exploration

    After centuries of travel the first generation ships reach the CS-529 star custer, it is promptly renamed the Salus Cluster for the salvation of humanity.

  • 734 AE

    Ishvan System Colonized and Holy Ishvan Union Formed

    Veran generation ships reach Ishvan system and name it after the founder of the Twins of Salvation. The Holy Ishvan Union is formed shortly after.

  • 737 AE

    Elysian Empire Colonizes Arcadia System
    Cultural event

    Generation ships of the Elysian Empire land on Elysia and Alar in the Arcadia System

  • 742 AE

    753 AE

    Monsical, Levac, Actil, and Jenkar Systems Colonized
    Cultural event

    Generation ships from Alaria's southern continents make land fall in the Monsical, Levac, Actil, and Jenkar Systems.

  • 762 AE

    Monsical Develops Akhmetov Warp Drive
    Technological achievement

    Serik Akhmetov of the Monsical system develops the first warp drive allowing for FTL travel allong warp lanes.

  • 771 AE

    Elysian Empire Develops Hoang Warp Drive
    Technological achievement

    Docter Hoang Van Nam develops Elysia's first warp drive

  • 774 AE

    Jazirat Kingdom Colonizes the Gencil System
    Cultural event

    The ships of the Jazirat Kingdom arive at the Salus Cluster and begin colonizing the planet of sanctuary in the Genvil system.

  • 786 AE

    Holy Ishvan Union Develops Mendoza Warp Drive
    Technological achievement

    Daniela Mendoza develops the Holy Ishvan Union's first warp drive.

  • 798 AE

    Quadripartite Federation Founded

    After decades of peaceful interaction the peoples of the Monsical, Levac, Actil, and Jenkar systems agree to form a federation with its capital in Monsical

  • 801 AE

    Jazirat Kingdom develops Abara Warp Drive
    Technological achievement

    Jawara Abara develops the Jazirat Kingdom's first warp drive.

  • 1096 AE

    Diplomatic Station in Crossroads System (The Rift) Is Destroyed
    Political event

    Why the talks to create a united confederation of the four major powers are begining to fail the station in the Crossroads system (The Rift) is destroyed. With no clear cause or culprate all factions begin blameing eachother.

  • 1097 AE

    The Crossroads Is Renamed The Rift
    Cultural event

    Due to the events in the Crossroads having doomed the possibity of a united nation and causing a war the system is renamed for the rift in humanity that happened in the system

  • 1097 AE

    18 /5 03:00

    The War Of The Cluster
    Military: War

    With the Destruction of the station in the Crossroads the Holy Ishvan Union launches an invation of the Elysian Empire, with the other great powers all declaring war on each other shortly after, begining The War Of The Cluster.

  • 1098 AE

    20 /4

    Quadripartite Federation establishes colaberist government in the Forad System
    Political event

    Seaking to reduce partisan activity the Quadripartite Federation establishes a colaberist government in the Forad System. This government would eventualy forn the Forad Protectorate at the end of the war.

  • 1107 AE

    3 /8 16:00

    War Of The Cluster Ends
    Military: War

    After nearly 10 years of war all factions have found themselfs exhausted with no major advatages and reluctantly make peace.

  • 1108 AE

    Honal System Is Renamed To Kenta's Stand
    Cultural event

    In rememberance of Commander Kenta the Honal system is renamed.

  • 1138 AE

    11 /4

    Elysian Empire Discovers Minara System
    Discovery, Exploration

    Exploring a new warp lane leads to a new system the Elysian Empire dubs Minara