Baron Udens

Baron Udens is a part-orc local noble who has recently, in the past five years or so, unified the Skilly under his own rule. He is the first in the area to bring together overground communities (human and part-orc) with underground ones (orc and part-orc) into the same polity. Accordingly, he's very busy consolidating his control, which he does mostly by not interfering too much in the local business of the settlements over which he's recently assumed sovereignty. He's also pretty frequently either negotiating with further removed Valni (orcish) communites, trying to prevent raids, or if that doesn't work, defending against raiders.   Udens is hard enough to be respected by the Valni, but not especially cruel or unfair, by and large. His castle and capital town is Kallen or Zxalna (so called by humans and orcs, respectively).
