Kallen or Zxalna

Baron Udens' castle, and the town around it, is called Kallen by humans and Zxalna by orcs. It is now the capital of Udens' new Barony, which covers most of the larger, more populated branch of the valley called the Skilly. Udens is the first sovereign in the Forges to hammer together a polity that includes humans, orcs, and mixed human-orcs. It covers various settlements both above and below ground, though not that many purely underground groups. The idea that Kallen/Zxalna can function as the focal point of all these settlements is brand new, and not everyone is convinced, though many people prefer the new situation to the chaos that preceded it. Quite a few Valni, the orcish ethnic group in the Forges, are among the unconvinced; they aren't organised in large enough groups for any of them to move against Udens in force—yet—but various Valni communities are keeping an eye on him and occasionally prodding his borders with raiding parties.   Kallen/Zxalna Castle is built hard against one wall of the valley, making it defensible against above-ground forces; it extends partway into the stone, making it either a gateway to the underground world, or a bulwark against it. Or, coming the other way, vice versa. There are castle towns, or in theory two neighbourhoods of the same castle town, on either side of the castle. Both areas are mixed communites of various races and ethnicities, living together around what is still essentially a repurposed border fortress. Many of those people are jockeying for position in the new political situation, which makes the town bustling and prosperous in a rather tense way.