Brea Steward

Brea Steward is an older, senior thrall of Erling House; she was the skald for many years (that is, the head skald of several), but is now retired and lives in a nice set of rooms in the household. Her job now is to be the one person that everyone else in Erling House actually likes.   As ex-skald, Brea seems to know everything about everybody; she comes off as quite nice, but also loyal to her household. She and Junah Wade are clearly close. She's known Erling Sattr all his life, and seems ruefully amused by him.   Brea is an example of someone for whom thralldom has been pretty positive; she was powerful and respected, and got along with most people, and didn't much want what she couldn't have. But she has no illusions about the niceness of the institution for most thralls. The Maveren are a phenomenon to navigate, like the weather, not social superiors to venerate.

Human, she/her. An elderly thrall in Erling House. She has been the committur/steward of the House in the past; now she holds the informal position of the one person in Erling that everybody else in the House genuinely likes. A bit frail these days.

Current Location
Erling House
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What a nice person