Fedun - mixed dwarf/human

The Fedun are of mixed human and dwarvish ancestry. They share common ancestry with the Hewellen; like them, some Fedun, though not all, have horns. They live to the northeast of the Forges, along the Ottiskil Straits and the coast at the mouth of the straits. The coast and the lands abutting it are rocky and difficult. Fedun tend to be about five feet tall (152cm), heavyset, with medium-dark greyish-brown skin. They are a single, unique ethnic group, totalling about 20-25,000.   On the eastern side of the Ottiskil Straits, the Fedun have a reputation as tough, hard-bitten, no-nonsense people, proud of their rugged home, somewhat insular but belligerent. They are rumoured to be smugglers and pirates, looting ships that wreck along the Straits (these rumours may be true of some Fedun towns, but not all). They are not well known on the other side of the Forges, including Malfa; Malfa residents generally assume that the Fedun are one of the dangers that make the Straits so difficult to navigate, but few people know much more (if that much).   The Fedun are grouped into territories, each ruled by a Dan (Duke). The Dan elect a Lidan (Grand Duke) out of their own number. They fish and farm, but they are also famous for fighting. They have staved off invasion from various inland people, and tussle with other seafaring people; the various Dans are also sometimes in conflict with each other.   Their martial society, coupled with some natural tendency towards magic, means that adventurers from Fedun backgrounds are likely to be fighters with a bit of magic (e.g. rangers or paladins), or magicians with a combat focus (e.g. bladesingers). Around the Sealands, they are the people most likely to become eldritch knights, which is a path not well known elsewhere.   For stats, see Fedun as playable race.