River dwarf - mixed dwarf/wood-elf

Not a distinct type of dwarf, but a term referring to mixed dwarven-elven people (hill dwarves and wood elves), who mostly live in small interconnected farming communities up the Tenerrill river from Malfa. There are a few in the city, but not in large numbers.   River dwarves are descended from the wood elves and hill dwarves of the Western continent, who traded and shared culture for centuries. Over time the elves have mostly moved further west, and the more reclusive Hewellen have become the dominant dwarven culture in the mountains. The river dwarves are a small localised ethnicity, living in relatively small communities, farming, fishing, and hunting in the forests. They are also famous swineherds; river-dwarf herds roam the cultivated woods south of the mountains. River-dwarf society is generally well-ordered and peaceful, but they also like independence and lack of hierarchy. Alliances with other peoples are generally reluctant and temporary, made in reaction to external threats. They value self-sufficiency on both individual and communal levels.   There are two river-dwarf Maveren, Crane and Heron, who are both biological siblings and members of the same household (Sjolfri). Their father was made Maver about a century ago.   For stats, see River dwarf as playable race