The Underhouse

The Underhouse is a well-known phenomenon in the Forges. It is a place only accessible occasionally, through the fey doors. It seems once to have been a large, beautiful manor of the above-ground type, but now it is a collection and archive, also called the Library. Most underground peoples know that if you visit the Underhouse, you will be allowed to look through it for something interesting or useful; and if you find something you want, and have something to trade, you might be allowed to leave with it.
The Fun Bunch accidentally discovered the Underhouse without ever having heard of it. They accompanied Tjeli in search of the remains of Valdas Manor, which had reputedly vanished decades earlier, presumed swept away by one of the violent possibly-magical storms that hit the eastern side of Malfa peninsula in winter. In fact, it turned out that Valdas Manor was still there, but only sometimes; it had become the Underhouse, and was magically confused inside as out.   Valdas Manor is occupied by a banshee called the Librarian, whom nobody seems to bother much; an imp calling himself the Clerk, who runs the Library as a trade scheme; a bunch of darklings, who respect the Librarian and serve her interests in a rather haphazard way; and some orcs, who work for the Clerk. The chief of the darklings strongly suspects that the Clerk is in business for himself, and thus disrespecting the Librarian. There's a lot of politics here that is compeletely opaque to outsiders.   Tjeli seemed to either recognise the Librarian, or suspect who she was. Valdas Nykomin, the occasional employer of both Tjeli and the Fun Bunch, later confirmed that the Librarian sounds like an ex-Maveren named Mera, Nykomin's half-sister by blood and a member of Erling House.