Intent Transfer Technology / Science in The Seas of Steel | World Anvil
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Intent Transfer

The second type of magic

All of us have luck: something that stacks the odds in our favor. But it is dilute: it applies itself to all things. All of us have intent: will to do something. But it is without the sheer power of luck, too controlled, too harnessed by humanity. But when you can imbue your luck with your will, when you are able to focus it on one purpose and one only, you can truly be called a master of magic.
Discourse on Intent, Preface
  The Intent Transfer magic is a technology developed by Grand Master Pavlis of the Society of Magisters. Luck in general is diffuse, applying itself to all things equally, hence making it slightly more likely that your enemies get struck by lightning, that you don't forget your lunch, et cetera. However, Pavlis wanted to make the luck do one thing, very well, rather than diffusing to any and all things. And in old archives he found references of luck-intent fusion, and the great power it promised. Pavlis sermonized his method to all other Grand Masters who would listen, who created for him the position of Analyst-General and granted him the Grand Master title.  
Pavlis' experiments focused on the transfer of luck from human luck stores. Magisters were already able to store luck for later use, but Pavlis wished to put luck into something with intent, to give it a purpose, to program it. His first attempts were to give water intent to boost vitality, testing the potion by taking it. After ten years (4 Earth years) of training, Pavlis could make a single-use vitality booster that was comparable in strength with the special herbal tea that the Guild of Alchemists produced.
Pavlis' herbal tea
  He sent samples to the other Grand Masters, who were reasonably surprised and delegated him to write a report on his research. The report ballooned to a paper, the paper to a book, and the Discourse on Intent was born. Currently, approximately sixty-six magisters are active that have mastered this technique, with seven headed towards Liton Tais to mitigate a threat.
Related Items

Cover Image:
The first copy of Discourse on Intent, itself used by Grand Master Pavlis to practice Intent Transfer. The book does not burn, and is waterproof, due to intent magic.
Magic System:
Luck-Intent System (see pillar two)
Species | Oct 10, 2018

A sister species to humans

Society of Magisters
Organization | Oct 12, 2018

A bunch of diplomats ignored in the midst of war. Actually: powerful luck-intent magic users in hiding.

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Sep 22, 2018 04:35

I feel like a bit of the history of the magic's development is left out. We're given the development of a universal cure, but then the article moves on to more general description.

Oct 4, 2018 01:15

I've edited this substantially to attempt to address concerns.

Oct 4, 2018 04:22

It still seems to focus a bit too much on the elixir and not much on the magic system itself. Does luck based magic pull luck from elsewhere (i.e. make this die roll better while this rolls worse)? Also, I thought the magisters were at their basic level practitioners of luck based magic, so how could they have existed before it was invented?

Oct 4, 2018 15:58

I've edited it somewhat: you deplete your own luck stores by making other things more lucky.

Sep 22, 2018 05:20 by Atena Luna

While reading I felt there is missing information.
I do not feel like the method itself is explained, I imagine it has something to do with the quote at the beginning (which I liked) however I am not sure how it is related to the method. Is the poem part of chant? Can weapons or items be enchanted using this method?

I also feel a disconnection from the "luck" research and the method, how are they related? Is the luck research important in the "intent transfer" method?

Oct 4, 2018 01:17

I've heavily edited this article after taking a second look, basically luck can be used as a (think very unwilling) medium of expressing your intent. If you concentrate hard enough, you can put luck to work doing something in an object. Luck itself has other benefits, such as making you slightly more lucky, and intent does too (what gives you a will to do things), but combined they are extremely powerful. Also edited the poem out because it was a little confusing.

Sep 23, 2018 11:11 by TheEndCreep

I like the concept of Intent Transfer Magic, but in my opinion the article doesn't really give a lot of information on what it really does in the first place. I would advise you to explain the magic in a more detailed fashion, and a little more details on its history would be great too! All in all this is a really cool concept, but the article should maybe be fleshed out a bit more.

Oct 4, 2018 01:19

I have added an explanation.

Oct 4, 2018 01:43 by Joshua Lancaster

Very interesting. So luck is made into a liquid and then used as a source for magic?