Dragonborn Transformation

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford


Dragonborn can access this form, which allows them to transform into an Old Dragon, a great dragon with four limbs and one set of great wings. In this form, these Dragons are massive in size and gain access to an immense amount of power otherwise inaccessible. A key attribute of Old Dragons is their renowned durability, but more than this is their famed scales which can bend time. Old Dragon Scales warp time to forever keep them, and by extension the Dragon, in a state of being before ever taking damage, rendering almost any attack ineffective against them. An attack would need to pierce their veil of time to wound the scales, granted that they can damage the durable scales themselves. This form also grants the Dragonborn control over all 5 Lower Mahābhūta Transformations, which makes Upper Transformations easier to produce.
  • Prithvi (Earth): Prithvi represents the element of earth and is associated with solidity, stability, and physicality. It is the element that makes up the solid objects and substances in the physical world.
  • Ap (Water): Ap represents the element of water and is associated with liquidity, flow, and cohesion. It is the element that makes up liquids and fluids.
  • Tejas (Fire): Tejas represent the element of fire and are associated with heat, energy, and transformation. It is the element that gives rise to heat, light, and energy.
  • Vayu (Air): Vayu represents the element of air and is associated with movement, circulation, and mobility. It is the element that makes up gases and the breath of life.
  • Akasha (Ether or Space): Akasha represents the element of space or ether and is associated with the concept of space as the container of all other elements. It is the element that provides the space for the other elements to exist and interact.
Old Dragons have a natural inclination to Ākāśa Tejas (Cosmic Fire) an advanced Upper Mahābhūta composed of Tejas (Fire) + Akasha (Ether or Space). Cosmic Fire is more powerful than Mortal Fire, notably for its ability to sustain itself in a vacuum without oxygen or similar substances. Old Dragons, like almost all types of Dragons, possess Heat Immunity. They are immune to heat, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects. Incredibly hot areas such as stars and infernal hellscapes, hold no weight to them.
Dragonborn can do a proto-transformation, a form that is between their Old Dragon Form and their Base Form, the Psudo-Transformation. This Form denies much of the power and size of the full transformation, most notably denying them their Time-Bending Scales, though the scales they possess in this form are still considerably durable.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • The cost of entering the Dragon Lord Form is a great amount of Magical Energy, even for those with plenty of it. This normally leaves a Dragonborn with little to no Magic left after they exit the form, making it a risk in high-stakes situations.
  • The Informal Activation of this Magical Transformation can be used to enter only the Old Dragon Form while the Formal Activation will need to be done to enter the Psudo-Transformation.
  • Old Dragons are known to slumber for long periods, hundreds to thousands of years even. Continued use and prolonged use of this transformation will eventually result in the Dragonborn being forced to enter such a sleep as well, though typically not as long.


The Dragon Lord Form for every Dragonborn is different and unique to them. Though, all transformations bear the Malice Striker crown upon their head.


The Blood of Níðhöggr, Mother of All Dragons, runs in the veins of the Dragonborn. Mortals who possess the Aspect of Dragons, the allure and majesty that comes with it.


Back when The Cult of the Dragon founded their capital city at the base of Kaedia, they created the Dragonborn race of men, the fruit from a union between Dragons and Mortals. These Dragonborn had the blood of the Dragon running through their veins and thus could call upon their aspect for great power beyond anything mortals had access to.

Applied Restriction
  • DRAGONSBANE: Dragonsbane is an element created by the 1st Álfuríki Empire back during their war with the Dragon Empire in the 1st Age. It is a type of Mortal Fire made with black science and Elven magic that is particularly fatal to Dragonborn and relatively effective on Dragons. While it can kill Dragonborn it is more commonly used to nullify their power and prevent them from transforming. If used on a transformed Dragonsborn, it will immedeatly force them back to Base.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria




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