Malik Satoru, the Sword that Learns

1st Master of the Hachi-Ei Shugyō no Jutsu, The Sword Which Learns, the Lord of House Haji Satoru Nambiyar, Kensei

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A distinguished figure with an imposing presence, Satoru Nambiyar bore the marks of a true leader. Tall and well-built, his physique spoke of years of disciplined training and martial prowess. His dark eyes held a depth of knowledge and a spark of wisdom, while his raven-black hair, though showing signs of age, remained neatly kept. Satoru's attire often reflected his noble lineage and martial prowess, donning traditional garments adorned with the insignias of House Haji.

Special abilities

The user possesses the extraordinary ability known as the "Hachi-Ei Shugyō no Jutsu," consisting of three distinct powers. Firstly, they have an exceptional "Causality Perception," which enables them to comprehend intricate cause-and-effect relationships, granting them strategic planning and analytical prowess. Secondly, the character possesses "Mental Manipulation," allowing them to control various aspects of the mind, from thoughts and emotions to intelligence and behavior. Lastly, they can flawlessly replicate any observed technique, jutsu, or spell through "Rules For Thee and for Me." However, this power comes with the limitation of memory capacity. To master this trifecta of abilities, the character must first embark on a profound journey to master the foundational skill of replicating techniques.
The User also has a unique power that encompasses 8 Forms known as the "Paths to Mortal Self-Preservation." These Forms originate from the Ganesha Path and serve as a safeguard against self-destruction, each addressing a specific weakness or fatal flaw within the user. Mastery of these Forms is marked by the seamless transition between them. The First Form, "Vakratunda," enables the purification of surroundings and the creation of protective barriers. In the Second Form, "Ekadanta," heightened perception unveils truths and imparts knowledge. The Third Form, "Mahodar," grants near invulnerability and the ability to repel attacks. "Gajanana," the Fourth Form, allows shape-shifting and animal communication. "Lambodara," the Fifth Form, bestows healing, resource generation, and bountiful harvests. The Sixth Form, "Vikata," offers elemental manipulation and transformative abilities. The Seventh Form, "Vighnaraj," provides foresight and guidance in navigating challenges. Finally, the Eighth Form, "Dhumravana," channels power and magic through shadows. Although these Forms cannot be used simultaneously and consume magical energy, mastery allows the character to effortlessly switch between them as needed.
  • Ancestral Evocation
Users can call on the minds of others living, dead, or in another world, communicating with a past life, or a deceased ancestor, or receiving help from a living friend. This power may be limited to which people the user may communicate with how often they may communicate or in what state the user is in when communicating. This ability covers a wide range of mental communication. Evocation pulls the mind of another into the mind of the users, allowing them to communicate whether or not they would normally have the ability to. They can call on the minds of others the dead communicate with a deceased ancestor or receive help. It covers a wide range of mental communication pulling their ancestors, teachers, friends, family, past life, and predecessors' minds into theirs to communicate or serve them for advice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Satoru was born and raised on the Seat of Power for the Nambiyar Clan, Planet Ihines in the Ihinian Star System. His birth revealed a unique jutsu distinct from his mother's Ganesha Sight and was deserving of praise from their Liege Lord who immediately arranged for Satoru to wed one of his new-born daughters. Satoru grew up on Ihines until he was sent to study on the planet Votharth under the Hajis where he was made a Squire to Lord Aoi, and eventually a Knight. He rose to the rank of Blade of House Haji and was regarded as a Kensei by all the clan's swordsmen. He wed Princess Sodam-Izumi, sired 15 beautiful heirs, and led serval crusades for the glory of Clan Nambiyar under the banners of Clan Haji. When he died, he was buried at the Nambiyar Ancestroial Grave on the planet Cholroarus. They say he still wears a smile to this day.


  • Satoru was educated by Skálds from his own Clan in his childhood. His education was continued by Skalds from the Haji Clan and his mother who was a master of Magic and the art of war.
  • Satoru squired under Lord Haji Aoi on the planet Votharth where he mastered his swordsmanship and other skills. During this time he began to fully awaken his jutsu and quickly rise through the ranks of knighthood. He was made a Blade of House Haji by the time he was a man and wed Princess Sodam-Izumi.

Personality Characteristics


Satoru is a man of ambition and excitement, not of family fame or riches, although these things did come to him as well, but rather the ambition of adventure and challenge. He was a man who never sought violence but was always prepared for it and liked to spend his leisure time dueling with skilled swordsmen, exploring new sword styles, and visiting distant lands. When not summoned back to court, Satoru could be found taking his wife and children to visit new and exciting worlds, distant lands, and experiencing the various cultures of the cosmos. He chose to learn many Tongues manually as opposed to Magic and loved to collect artifacts from his journeys. Satoru was motivated by adventure and new opportunites.


Family Ties

  • Onoue Yoshike (Lady Mother)
  • Nambiyar Vikramaditya (Lord Father)
  • Nambiyar Erika (Sister)
  • Nambiyar Mikazuki (Sister)
  • Nambiyar Miyazaki IV (Brother)
  • Nambiyar Yasuhide (Brother)
  • Nambiyar Isami (Sister)
Satoru was the oldest of his siblings and the first to inherit the Eight-Way Training Technique, which he named himself. His family, the Nambiyar Clan, was a branch family of the Main Clan, Haji, via his mother, Lady Yoshike. Satoru was one of 3 children to inherit this jutsu but was the only one married into the Haji Clan. His Lord father, Vikramaditya, arranged for the other two heirs to wed lower-class nobles so as to keep control of the jutsu within his line.
  • Haji Sodam-Izumi (Lady Wife)
  • Haji Pravarasena (Son)
  • Haji Krishna (Son)
  • Haji Nakshatra (Son)
  • Haji Patanjali (Son)
  • Haji Jawahar (Son)
  • Haji Sambridhi (Daughter)
  • Haji Durgautti (Daughter)
  • Haji Uma (Daughter)
  • Haji Benegal (Son)
  • Haji Rajendra (Son)
  • Haji Mamta (Daughter)
  • Haji Priyanshi (Daughter)
  • Haji Jayadeva (Son)
  • Haji Damayanti (Daughter)
  • Haji Ramaeshwara (Son)
When Satoru's unique jutsu was known to the Haji Clan, they arranged for him to wed one of their daughters, Princess Sodam-Izumi. This marriage was to bring his Inherited Magical Jutsu within the bloodline of the Main Clan and would eventually phase out The Ganesha Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Insight within House Haji altogether. Satoru sired nine sons and six daughters with his wife and they laid the foundation for what would become the new baseline jutsu of the Haji Clan.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • 1st Master of The Hachi-Ei Shugyō no Jutsu
  • The Sword Which Learns
  • the Lord of House Haji
  • The 5th Blade, The Sword That Learns
  • Kensei
  • The Laughing Lord
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "I have always been drawn to the rhythms of adventure and the melodies of challenge. To me, each day is a new page in the grand book of existence, waiting to be filled with tales of valor and discovery."
  • "The sword is not just a weapon; it's a mirror to the soul. Through the clash of steel and the artistry of combat, one can discover the essence of one's being."
  • "True power lies not in the strength of one's muscles, but in the depth of one's wisdom. The ability to perceive causality, to understand the threads of fate, that is where the true strength of a leader resides."
  • "To be a master of the Eight Forms is to embrace the diversity of existence. Each form is a reflection of our multifaceted world, and mastering them allows us to adapt and overcome any challenge."
  • "As a leader, my duty is not just to protect my clan but to nurture their potential and guide them toward greatness. It is in the success of my descendants that my true legacy shall endure."
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Character Portrait image: Haji Satoru-Kensei


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