The Auspicious Tailed-Beasts Transformation

Unlocking the Enigmatic Powers: Exploring the Auspicious Tailed-Beast Forms and the Mystical Realms of Sword Arms

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford | Also known as the Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form or the Auspicious Transformation


The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form (ATB) is a Transformation that can be achieved by Mages who have a Contract with one of the 10 Tailed Beasts and gained the Form as a boon from the Tailed Beast in question. There are 10 Magical Beasts, and each ATB form is unique to the Tailed-Beast it came from.

Apart from the uniqueness of each ATB form, all Forms share some common base powers. All ATB forms allow the User to instantly summon and command any other Familiars they have contracts with. While in base, just by unlocking this form, Mages can safely survive in the 5th Dimension (something Mortals otherwise cannot do) and all ATB forms all Mages to use a Limitbreaker Form without any drawbacks.
All beings are born with a certain amount of Magical Energy they can safely circulate through their body without inducing harm. This general rule is measured as Sai = "Small/ Less", Gon = "Everday/ Often", and Zel = "Greater/ Lot". This is their LIMIT and differs from person to person, decided at birth. Bloodlines can play a role here, children from two ZEL parents will likely have a ZEL LIMIT. If more energy than what a Mage can handle is needed, they enter a state of being known as LIMITBREAKING. Do not do this, LIMITBREAKING can cause cellular decay, organ failure, mental instability, madness, and in some extreme cases, burn your body up entirely, leaving nothing but ashes and screams. However, with an ATB form, Mages can enter their LIMITBREAKER Form at any time safely.

Side/Secondary Effects

Sword Arms are metaphysical weapons, meaning weapons, items, or tools that have a physical form as well as an Astral Form and a Mental Form, allowing them to be wielded in dimensions and spaces other than the physical one. Sword Arms are created by beings and manifest a portion of their Power, a slice of their very Soul. Sword Arms are distinctly different from normal weapons or tools that are enchanted with Magic or empowered to have metaphysical qualities. Sword Arms are full manifestations of a Mage's Power, the physical form of something so abstract and elusive, ideas made real. Sword Arms contain exactly the amount of Power that they were made from and certain attributes can be imprinted upon them. (SEE Sword Arm)
This ATB Form allows all users to create Fabled Arms, Sword Arms that are capable of wounding or interacting with Familiars from the 5th Dimension, something that normal Sword Arms and conventional weaponry cannot do unless heavily imbued with Raw Magical Energy. Fabled Arms are great for not only conducting but also amplifying Magical Energy and Power. Unlike regular Sword Arms, these weapons can be completely absorbed by other Mages to compound their own Magical Power.


  • Every ATB form is both unque to the Tailed-Beast they aquried it from and unique to the Mage themselves.


The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form (ATB) is a boon granted to Mages who already have a contract with one of the legendary magical tailed-beasts of Fable. The ATB is a massive power boost and great utility tool for the Mage who receives it and for the Tailed-Beasts, it creates a Mage who can be summoned to their aid should the situation ever call for it, and it sometimes does. The Source of this transformation itself is a fraction of the Fable each Tailed-Beasts holds. A Fable is the term given to the 10 pieces of infinite magical power that once belonged to Magic Incarnate, HECATE, before she split her being up into the 10 Tailed-Beasts. Each Fable is a 10th of ∞ and each Auspicious Mage is granted a fraction of this 10th, which allows them to enter their state.

Auspicious Tailed-Beasts Transformation

The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form (ATB) is a Transformation that can be achieved by Mages who have a Contract with one of the 10 Tailed Beasts and gained the Form as a boon from the Tailed Beast in question. There are 10 Magical Beasts, and each ATB form is unique to the Tailed-Beast it came from. Apart from the uniqueness of each ATB form, all Forms share some common base powers. All ATB forms allow the User to instantly summon and command any other Familiars they have contracts with. While in base, just by unlocking this form, Mages can safely survive in the 5th Dimension (something Mortals otherwise cannot do) and all ATB forms all Mages to use a Limitbreaker Form without any drawbacks.
All beings are born with a certain amount of Magical Energy they can safely circulate through their body without inducing harm. This general rule is measured as Sai = "Small/ Less", Gon = "Everday/ Often", and Zel = "Greater/ Lot". This is their LIMIT and differs from person to person, decided at birth. Bloodlines can play a role here, children from two ZEL parents will likely have a ZEL LIMIT. If more energy than what a Mage can handle is needed, they enter a state of being known as LIMITBREAKING. Do not do this, LIMITBREAKING can cause cellular decay, organ failure, mental instability, madness, and in some extreme cases, burn your body up entirely, leaving nothing but ashes and screams. However, with an ATB form, Mages can enter their LIMITBREAKER Form at any time safely.
This ATB Form allows all users to create Fabled Arms, Sword Arms that are capable of wounding or interacting with Familiars from the 5th Dimension, something that normal Sword Arms and conventional weaponry cannot do unless heavily imbued with Raw Magical Energy. Fabled Arms are great for not only conducting but also amplifying Magical Energy and Power. Unlike regular Sword Arms, these weapons can be completely absorbed by other Mages to compound their own Magical Power. See The Auspicious Tailed-Beasts Transformation.

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The Goddess of Magic, Hecate, created Fable, the 5th Dimension and is a creature of it. The first of her creations were the 10 Great Magical Beats, and it was from them that all other Familiars were brought into existence.

Gestures & Ritual
The Auspicious Tailed-Beast Form requires a certain ceremony to enter into, the Auspicious Ceremony, unique to the Tailed-Beast a Mage is in service of. The ceremonies can differ from ritual dances, and ceremonial prayer songs, to even blood offerings and the building of structures or shrines. However, skilled ATB Mages can seal the activation ceremony and the power it has within a Fabled Arms, allowing them to immediately enter their transformation when invoking the specific Fabled Arm weapon. Fabled Arms can only hold one ceremony to activate an ATB transformation similar to Azure Body Markings and after being used, the entire ceremony will need to be done again and sealed inside the Fabled Arm once again to "recharge" it.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

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