Kill the Gods and Devour Them Whole

"Ambition's cruel thirst, Repentance in humble robes, Miad's path reborn."

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

The Devourer of Gods, Destroyer of Worlds, Slayer of Demigods, Father of the God-Eaters, Founder of the Miadharma Dynasty, Miad Fairfield Dogar

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Eyes Over Heaven (EOH) possesses a set of five distinct attributes known as the Five Paths of Heaven: the Path of Destruction, the Path of the Mind, the Path of Control, the Path of Wisdom, and the Path of Pathways. The Shiva Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Devastation enables the utilization of Occular-Based Energy Regression (OBER), a technique that targets the innate Magical Energy within living organisms and reverts it to its primal form as Universal Energy—the fundamental constituents of the cosmos. The Vishnu Drishti, Heavenly Path of Preservation involves a process by which Magical Energy is efficiently channeled within the user's body, resulting in minimal energy expenditure when casting spells. The Ganesha Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Insight grants profound insight and comprehensive knowledge of all secrets and information, whether magical or otherwise. The Maya Drishti, the Heavenly Path of the Mind empowers the user with a formidable intellect capable of harnessing psionic abilities. This enables the manipulation of matter, energy, and even the very fabric of reality itself. The Shakti Drishti, the Heavenly Path of Pathways enables the creation of Space-Time portals, facilitating instantaneous travel to and from any location within the vast expanse of the cosmos, encompassing both higher and lower dimensions.
  • The Gift of Smithing (The Kiss of the Dwarf Kings of Old Rock)
Users can produce something either out of nothing or from existing sources. While this ability can take many forms, lower-level users are typically limited to creating matter, from simple elements and substances to complex materials and objects. Alternatively, higher-level users can create anything they can think of, whether conceptual or sentient. This includes the creation of energy, souls, and life of any complexity, extradimensional realities, stars, etc.
  • The 7th Innate Path: Spatial Manipulation
Individuals possess the profound ability to manipulate, control, distort, and manipulate space, the fundamental dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all entities exist and traverse. This extraordinary power allows users to engage in various applications, including teleportation, achieved by depleting space between two points and seamlessly transitioning between them, creating portals, or exploiting spatial loopholes. Moreover, adept practitioners can induce spatial cohesion or separation, generating a magnetic force that attracts or tears asunder designated targets by manipulating the spatial fabric they occupy. Additionally, the ability to "push" space empowers users to expand spatial dimensions, forcefully repelling objects within a given area. When augmented to formidable levels, this ability can manifest as an unstoppable force, akin to a cannon launching space and anything encompassed within it.
Inoffensive maneuvers, wielders of this power can erase or rupture space, obliterating any object within its confines. Precise control enables the selective separation of limbs or vital organs from adversaries by manipulating and segmenting the spatial presence they inhabit. By pulling and folding space around an object, users can immobilize or crush it. Defensively, practitioners can create vacuum-like voids by erasing space around themselves, rendering impenetrable shields that impede external intrusion. Alternatively, by infinitesimally dividing the spatial distance between themselves and an assailant, they render the aggressor unable to reach the space manipulator.
Advanced practitioners transcend the limitations of traditional space manipulation, utilizing gravitational control to manipulate objects as if employing telekinesis. This mastery extends to enhancing their physical attributes, including strength and speed. These individuals can also create subspaces capable of ensnaring objects or serving as potent projectiles while achieving levitation becomes well within their capabilities. At the pinnacle of this ability, practitioners can engage in profoundly intricate spatial manipulation, granting them access to phenomena such as rooms with dimensions that defy exterior measurements or infinite corridors. Such manipulation can extend to affecting the fabric of the Space-Time Continuum, with elite practitioners commanding unprecedented control. At the highest echelons, individuals possess the capacity to manipulate space beyond universal boundaries and control alternative forms or types of space with properties distinct from the real world, yielding effects that approach the realm of near-omnipotence.
  • Eight Arts Mage: Master of Magic
The Eight Arts Mage is an extraordinary being who has attained unparalleled mastery over the eight distinct Schools of Magic. With unwavering dedication, rigorous study, and an unwavering commitment to the arcane arts, this remarkable individual has honed their skills in Divination, Necromancy, Conjuration, Enchantment, Illusion, Evocation, Alchemy, and Abjuration. Their comprehensive understanding and adeptness in each school allow them to wield a vast array of mystical abilities, ranging from the ability to foresee events, communicate with spirits, summon otherworldly beings, imbue objects with magical properties, manipulate perception, command elemental forces, unlock hidden knowledge, and erect formidable defenses. As a paragon of magical prowess, the Eight Arts Mage embodies the pinnacle of magical mastery, commanding awe and respect for their unparalleled expertise and versatility in harnessing the profound forces of the arcane.

Specialized Equipment

Trishula, Vanquis All Evils and Deliver Me from Ignorance
The legendary weapon steeped in darkness and imbued with ancient powers, the Trishula is a fearsome spear that embodies the essence of destruction. Crafted by enigmatic artisans of a forgotten era, this formidable weapon exudes an aura of malevolence, instilling fear in the hearts of all who dare to face its wielder. Legends speak of the Trishula being forged in the crucible of calamity, tempered by the souls of fallen warriors, and baptized in the fires of despair. Those who grasp its handle are said to be consumed by an insatiable thirst for power, drawn towards the path of darkness and destruction. The Trishula's malefic power manifests as an ethereal black flame, seeping from its blade, devouring the very essence of life. Carrying the Trishula demands a heavy toll on the wielder's sanity, as whispers of forgotten horrors echo within their mind, tempting them to embrace the darkest depths of their own nature.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Miad founded the Miadharma Dynasty which, in turn, created the Celestial Empire, the only sovereign government entity of Miðgarðr to not be under the control or influence of the Imperium.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Birth of the Devabhakshak, the Ones Who Eat the Flesh of Gods
Upon completion of his 500-Year Penance, Miad would study the art of smithing under the Dwarf Kings of Niðavellir and came to receive the Kiss of the Dwarf Kings of Old Rock (The Gift of Smithing). After he established the Miadharma Dynasty, Miad would use this Gift to create a race of beings tasked with waging war on the Holy Order of The Imperium of Miðgarðr. The clash of their faith would no longer be tolerated and the first Imperial Dharma War was enacted. The Holy Gods joined the Imperium in the war and because his Gods were dead, Miad created the Devabhakshak, the God Eaters.
The War was short but extremely bloody and violent, many, many, Holy Gods met their end by the Devabhakshak which forced the Imperium to respect them and their faith, but Miad saw no pride in reverting back to his old ways to win this war. Although he was winning, he sued for peace, and as a part of his peace treaty, he destroyed 1/3 of the Devabhakshak. He kept a 1/3 for himself and secretly sold the remaining 1/3 to the Morningstar who had them deposited into the Abomination Vault in preparation for his Second Rebellion.

Mental Trauma

In his youth, Miad was taken from his home by the Lord of their planet because he displayed an affinity for Magic, a rare and valuable power in his Creation. He was made into a Knight of the Lord and did well for himself and his family, arranging for his sisters to be handmaidens to noblewomen and his brothers to serve as Pages to the noblemen. He began to amass wealth during the various campaigns he was deployed on and soon his wealth matched his Lords and his Lord began to fear Miad would rebel against him. So he moved swiftly, he had Miad's wives murdered and arrested his noble-blooded children, killing the rest. Miad returned to save his children and was put in chains and humiliated, stripped of his station and power. As he planned. Miad controlled his Lord's Spymasters and planted the idea of rebellion, knowing his Lord would overreact, make a public show of force, and thus provide justification for the annihilation of his House, and Miad did just this. The deaths of his wives and children were of little consequence to his path of power.
And yet he still hungered for what was denied him as a poor man's son. He led his banners in false wars on all his enemies and his power and influence grew, as did his wealth. King Miad's treasure halls were the stuff of legends and thieves bragged about breaking into them. When one planet was not enough he laid claim to the moons and other worlds of his system. Eventually, he claimed the entire star system and soon he was crusading for more systems to fill the hunger produced by greed. He was a man of vices and sin, he took what he wanted and reveled in the sport of the hunt. Entire arms of star systems fell under his influence, and still, he pressed on. His Kingdom grew into an Empire and his Order grew into Legions of Orders upon Orders. He was the Emperor of a Million Worlds and the Conquering King, none could oppose him. And yet still he hungered. Miad lusted after the power of the most high, the Gods of the Golden Heavens.
The Great Celestial War was the last war of Miad's reality before its destruction, for which it was responsible. His lust and greed for power and treasure beyond his own capacity led to a war with the very Gods themselves, a war he should never have been capable of winning or even fighting. And yet he did both, he dragged the whole of creation into a bloody senseless war that only served his own goals. The War lasted to the End Days when the very structure of his Reality was breaking down and Yig, the First Scholar of the Formless Mother, had arrived in Real Space to herald the end of this Cycle. This was the end, but Miad had long since gone. The being of pure power that remained was more beast than man, an animal reduced to its base desires, gorging itself on the flesh of the gods it had slain, paying no mind to the apocalypse consuming his reality. Perhaps he could have stopped Yig, pushed Khaos back, and restored some semblance of order, but he was consumed by his hunger. The man was gone and all that remained was Kill The Gods And Devour Them Whole.
In the CRUCIBLE, the mix of everything that was, is, or will be, is where Kill The Gods And Devour Them Whole regained some idea of self and through his own power, he pulled himself out of that soup, forcing order and form once again upon himself. He washed up on the shores of Kaedia at the Foot of Yggdrasil in a new cosmos already brimming with life. Kill The Gods And Devour Them Whole was appalled with the monster he allowed himself to turn into in his past life and remained in Kaedia for many years meditating on his past until he was able to remember his birth name, Fairfield-Dogar Miad. Miad lived among the Ascetic Monks of Kaedia, a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from sensual pleasures. They wandered the Realms of Yggdrasil in beggar robes, living quiet humble lives in service to their own spirituality. Many of them were former criminals and convicts who had wandered so far from the Right Way. It was this time, 500 Years, that allowed Miad the time he needed to face the sheer weight of his sins and what his actions wrought upon his Creation. He lives with this trauma and seeks to repent for it every day of his life.



The Path of the Sage
When Miad stepped down from ruling the Celestial Empire he named his daughter Princess Yudashkina as his heir and departed from the world of men to walk the path of the Sage. Sages are exceptional individuals who have transcended the boundaries of ordinary existence to attain profound spiritual enlightenment. They are the keepers of ancient wisdom and the living embodiments of inner peace, compassion, and harmony. Miad set out to walk this path alone, to reach Nirvana and True Understanding of the Way and his movement within everything, to understand the nature of the pulls and pushes of the CRUCIBLE and Creation, why the Dharmachakra spins, to ask the question; What Is Gravity?

Family Ties

  • Golafsar (Mother)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Louis IV (Father)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Farzaneh (Sister)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Mahboobeh (Sister)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Siamak (Brother)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Goli (Sister)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Bahman (Brother)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Ferdous (Brother)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Somayeh (Sister)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Hannaneh (Sister)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Farhad (Brother)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Behrouz (Brother)
  • Fairfield-Dogar Sadaf (Sister)
  • Krasimir Moskvina (Lady Wife)
  • Krasimir Yudashkina (Daughter)
  • Krasimir Homayoun (Son)
  • Krasimir Fakhri (Daughter)
  • Krasimir Akhtar (Daughter)
  • Krasimir Barinov (Son)
  • Krasimir Khashayar (Son)
  • Krasimir Farhad II (Son)
  • Krasimir Bahar (Daughter)
  • Krasimir Mahboobeh (Daughter)
  • Krasimir Mahdi (Son)
Miad wed a noblewoman of the planet Risauyama of the minor Krasimir Clan, and together with her he sired 10 children, the foundation of the Miadharma Dynasty which he would leave for them to inherit.

Dull Golden
Brown / Black Long Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
250 Lbs.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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