The Martian System


  1. MERCURY is the planet next to the sun and was long since hallowed out and turned into a great machine, a super battle station powered by the very sun that is capable of projecting an energy shield around the entire star system to protect it from invaders. It can also be used to target specific planets or planetoids and only shield them. It is a massive military garrison and is always under the direct control of whatever Clan controls Mars.
  2. VENUS is a hell spot, a prison colony to hold the worst offenders of not only this star system but serval other local star systems who may not have the infrastructure or capacity to house them. Or, some, may not want to take on the risk. VENUS itself is surrounded by a constant cosmic storm, making escape via starship nigh-impossible and disrupting portal technology. It is referred to as the Eye of Hell and being sent here is a death sentence.
  3. EARTH is a garden or pleasure world that exists for the wealthy and nobility of the system. It produces nothing but has been deemed Hallowed Land by The Holy Tree Ministry and is primarily protected by the Imperial Faith. It supports the largest number of temples and shrines and many pilgrims from across the entire Imperium journey to Earth to pray. It originally gained this holy respect when it became the place where Sun Wukong reached enlightenment and ascended to the Heavens. Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn are the only 3 planets that are not self-sufficient and rely heavily on Neptune for foodstuff.
  4. MARS is the Seat of Power for the Wayfinder Star System where the Major Lane connects out into the wider cosmos. Whoever controls Mars, controls entry and exit from the entire system. As such, it is a hotspot for trade and one of the wealthiest planets in the system. It has been historically ruled by the old Martian Kings.
  5. JUPITER is a business superpower and is the only world in the system where the MoonSprite Gas is naturally and cheaply manufactured and exported. This mélange, a Psychedelic drug, is highly addictive but increases the life span and makes one hold onto a youthful appearance much longer. Just below half the system population is addicted to it and is a major export of the Wayfinder System. Jupiter has a massive population, just under Saturn, but is a hot spot for slavers and the black market.
  6. SATURN is a population epicenter of the Wayfinder System, not only thanks to the countless floating cities in its atmosphere, but it also has 147+ moons (as small as Mercury or as large as Earth), all supporting a myriad of kingdoms and colonies as well as the 600 Nomadic Saturnite Tribes who live in the rings of the planet.
  7. URANUS was destroyed ages ago in a conflict that was long forgotten, all that remains in a massive asteroid belt that now orbits the star system itself, creating a natural barrier between Saturn and the rest of the system. It is home to marauders and pirates seeking to avoid attention as well as the remaining 300 Saturnite Nomadic Tribes separated from their kin during that forgotten conflict.
  8. NEPTUNE is a massive farming superpower of the star system that uses an advanced form of hydroponics in combination with soil-based bio-domes on the surface. It has historically only been ruled by one clan, the Pyt Clan who descended from Tal-Shahar, one of the Sons of Ursama-Adam before the Cradle Rebellion. They are the largest exporter of foodstuff to the rest of the star system and one of the 3 richest planets.
  9. PLUTO is the ace-in-the-hole of the star system, too small to be detected as a planet, Pluto does not appear on any official Wayfinder Maps and not many natives of the system are even aware of its existence. Via a Void Space Engine (VSE), Pluto hides itself within the Void, the nothingness of reality, and operates as the soft spot for all information and intelligence control of the entire star system. It does not house this information but it does monitor it all and keeps an "ear to the ground" for any activity that might threaten the ruling Clan. Like Mercury, it too is under the direct control of the ruling Clan.
The MAJOR Lane that starts at Mars is the only lane in and out of this star system, but there are 6 Minor Lanes within the star system that are used to travel between planets. The Pyt Stop Lane runs from Neptune into the remains of Uranus, specifically where the planetoid used to be and where the majority of its moons still remain. The Uranus Remains has the Saturn Gate Lane which feeds directly into Saturn, the Jupiter Gate runs directly from Jupiter to Saturn and makes up its second Lane. Mars has the King's Road which runs from Mars, through Jupiter and its moons, through the moons of Neptune, namely Triton, through the planetoid Ceres, the remains of Uranus, and directly into Saturn, making up the 3rd Lane to feed into the planet. Mercury has one lane that goes straight to Mars called the Martian Straight. Earth has a Lane to Venus, the Hell-Runner Lane, and Venus has a lane through the moons of Saturn to Deimos, a moon of Mars, called the Grand Escape.
Travel outside of the Minor Lanes, or simply to reach a Minor Lane for travel, is done via Hyperdrives which move vessels at extremely high speeds, but far from the speed of light. They are not feasible for interstellar travel and are only used to reach Minor or Major Lanes.

Solar System
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Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

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