The United Emirate of Neptunia


Bayt Aldumue
"The Long March Led Us Here."
Bayt Aldumue, otherwise known as the House of Tears, is the noble House that rules the USN government and is recognized by The Skyburner Clan Neptune itself is ruled by the Pyt Clan, the ruling Clan of the House of Tears, and the Eashirat Kubraa (Major Clans) were each given one of the 14 moons to rule on behalf of the Pyt Clan as States.
  1. The Naiad State Government, ruled by Clan Gear
  2. The Thalassa State Government, ruled by Clan Landsberger
  3. The Despina State Government, ruled by Clan Obregón
  4. The Galatea State Government, ruled by Clan Menas Tadesse
  5. The Larissa State Government, ruled by Clan Mũtugi
  6. The Hippocamp State Government, ruled by Clan Ismaiah
  7. The Proteus State Government, ruled by Clan Van Schalkwyk
  8. The Triton State Government, ruled by Clan Ndongue
  9. The Nereid State Government, ruled by Clan Balikumoba
  10. The Halimede State Government, ruled by Clan Kujo
  11. The Sao State Government, ruled by Clan Bjorkman
  12. The Laomedeia State Government, ruled by Clan Mao
  13. The Psamathe State Government, ruled by Clan Ryo
  14. The Neso State Government, ruled by Clan Miyahara
As far as structure goes, each State is free to rule its moon as it sees fit.


Each Emirate within the Republic maintains its own standing Honor Guard (known as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Armies). Each Army was under the command of a Taisho who answered to the Emir of their Emirate. The Taishos were also subservient to the Shogun, who had authority over all military forces within the entire Republic. The Shogun answered to the Malik. The Taisho of Neptune has 14 Shosho beneath them, one Shosho for each of Neptune's moons. They collectively put together the makeup of the 4th Army of the Imperial Martian Republic, one of the largest. The 4th Army is broken into 15 Legions, led by the Taisho + the 14 Shosho.

"In unitate fortitudo est" -- In Unity, there is Strength

Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
The UEN | The United Neptune Emirate | The United States of Neptune | The USN
  • System-Wide Currency: The Imperial Martian Dok (IMD) is the primary currency of both the capital planet Mars and the entire system, serving as the reserve currency. The Dok is a Physical Assets Backing Currency (PABC). This ingenious system revolves around the valuation of specific physical assets, each deemed to hold a discernible worth in Dok. These assets form the very essence of commerce within the system. When any transaction transpires, the exchange of Hosar signifies not just a transfer of abstract numbers, but a tangible, predetermined quantity of physical assets.
  • Local Emirate Currency: The United Emirate Pin (UEP) is the primary currency of the UEN, backed by the Imperial Martian Dok. It is a primarily digital currency strictly monitored and controlled by the Pyt Clan to ensure financial stability.
Legislative Body
Almutamar Alkabir Lilaitihad
Also known as the Great Congress of the Union, the legislative branch of the United States of Neptune (USN) consists of the Grand Neptune Congress, a vital institution responsible for creating and passing laws that govern the nation. It is composed of three distinct bodies:
  1. The House of People - Bayt Alnaas
  2. The House of Kings - Bayt Almuluk
The Congressional body of the USN is composed of three distinct bodies that represent their people. Bayt Alnaas, or the House of People, is the lower body of the Neptune Congress and is responsible for representing the people of Neptune's various states and territories. Members are elected by the citizens of their respective regions. Each state and territory within the United States of Neptune elects a proportional number of representatives based on its population. These representatives serve a set term, usually ten Neptune years. Bayt Alnaas is responsible for proposing and debating legislation, budget allocation, and representing the interests of their constituents. They have the power to initiate laws, and all financial bills must originate in this chamber.
Bayt Almuluk, or the House of Kings, is the upper House of the Congressional body, and its members are chosen via hereditary appointments. Each state sends a representative from their Clan to speak for them in the Congress. serves as a stabilizing force, ensuring that the interests of both the ruling elite and the broader populace are considered. They review and provide advice on legislation proposed by Bayt Alnaas and can propose amendments or send bills back for further deliberation.
The Great Congress of the Union represents the collective legislative power of the USN and is responsible for passing laws, shaping policies, and overseeing the government. It operates through the collaboration of Bayt Alnaas and Bayt Almuluk, with a system of checks and balances to ensure the interests of both elected and hereditary representatives are taken into account. Together, these bodies work to create and shape the laws that govern the nation, fostering a balance between the interests of the people and the ruling elite. The Grand Neptune Congress is a pivotal institution that ensures the proper functioning of the USN's government and legislative process.
Judicial Body
The Supreme Judicial Council
The Judicial Branch of the United States of Neptune (USN) is a vital component of the government responsible for interpreting and upholding the laws of the nation. It is composed of several key institutions:
  1. Rayiys Almahkamat Aleulya - President of the Supreme Court (Chief Justice): The Chief Justice is the head of the Supreme Judicial Council and is responsible for overseeing the judicial system of the United States of Neptune. The Chief Justice is appointed by the Grand Vizier and confirmed by The House of Kings, ensuring a balance of political and legal expertise.
  2. Almajlis Alqadayiyu - Judicial Council: The Judicial Council is composed of a panel of experienced judges and legal experts appointed by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Grand Vizier. Judges on the Judicial Council are known as "Qadi" and are responsible for interpreting and applying the laws of Neptune. The council is divided into specialized chambers, each dealing with specific areas of law, such as civil, criminal, administrative, and interplanetary law.
  3. Mahkamat Alaistinaf - Appellate court (Court of Appeals): The Court of Appeals serves as the intermediate appellate court in the United States of Neptune's judicial system. Citizens and entities dissatisfied with the decisions of lower courts can appeal to the Court of Appeals for a review of their cases.
  4. Mahakim Alkawakib - Planetary Courts: Each state within the federation has its own Planetary Court system responsible for handling local legal matters and disputes. These courts are presided over by judges appointed by the planetary Clan Heads, with certain cases subject to review by the Supreme Judicial Council to ensure consistency and fairness in the application of the law.
  5. Mahkamat Alwilayat - Tribunal of States (Court of States): The Interplanetary Tribunal is a specialized court within the United States of Neptune's judicial system responsible for resolving disputes and legal issues that involve multiple planets or entities beyond a single state's jurisdiction. Judges for this tribunal are selected from the Supreme Judicial Council, emphasizing their expertise in interplanetary law.
In summary, the Judicial Branch of the United States of Neptune is a multi-tiered system that encompasses both planetary and interplanetary jurisdiction. It ensures that laws are interpreted, applied, and upheld in a fair and consistent manner, with a balance of legal expertise and political oversight provided by the Chief Justice, the Judicial Council, and the specialized courts.
The United States of Neptune (USN) is subservient to The Republic of Imperial Mars in all aspects, including its legal system. The only Martian Court that is superior to the authority of a Neptune Court is the Higher Circuit Courts (the Higher Circuit Courts handle appeals and complex cases. Divided into circuits, these courts cover specific regions or groups of Member Planets. They review decisions made by lower courts, provide legal guidance, and ensure consistent application of federal laws throughout the circuits.) or the King's Supreme Court which is the highest form of authority within the Martian System. 
The Imperial Martian Republic is subservient to The Imperium of Miðgarðr, the absolute power of the known universe, much in the same way Neptune bows to Mars. The Department of Morality (DOM), serving as the Judicial Body of the Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM), provides a comprehensive framework for administering justice and upholding the rule of law. Under IoM Federal Law, all courts within the Martian System are technically classified as Lower Planetary Courts (Operating within Member Planets and Systems, the Lower Planetary Courts have jurisdiction over local matters, including civil, criminal, and administrative cases. These courts ensure the implementation of IoM's legal framework at the local level. Judges in Planetary Courts are appointed or elected according to the legal system of each Member Planet.) and all of their authority can be overruled by the Court of King Solomon, the supreme court of the IoM, and the absolute law of the universe.
Executive Body
Office of the Vizier
The Office of the Vizier serves as the highest executive authority within the United States of Neptune (USN), responsible for the day-to-day administration and governance of the nation. The executive branch comprises several key components:
  • The Sitting Vizier and Clan Pyt
The Sitting Vizier, the head of the executive branch, is selected from Clan Pyt, which has held the ruling authority over Neptune and the USN since the time of their ancestor, Tal-Shahar. According to the tenets of the Imperial Faith, Tal-Shahar's lineage is considered divine and endowed with the right to govern. This hereditary succession ensures stability and continuity in leadership. The Vizier's role is to oversee the affairs of the state, make crucial decisions, and guide the nation's direction.
  • The Vizier's Small Council
Assisting the Vizier is the Small Council, a group of trusted advisors and experts who provide valuable insights and counsel on matters of governance. While primarily composed of members from Clan Pyt, the Small Council may also include representatives from other noble clans within the Neptune States to foster diverse perspectives and expertise. This collaborative approach aims to ensure well-informed decision-making and inclusivity in the decision-making process.
  • The Council of Lords
The Council of Lords represents the collective leadership of the various States of Neptune, and its composition consists of Clan Heads who hold hereditary positions of authority. While they do not possess the same level of executive power as the Vizier, the Council of Lords plays a crucial role in the governance of the USN. They can, to some extent, challenge the Vizier's directives and act on his behalf in specific executive matters. This system of shared power is designed to maintain a balance between the hereditary and elected branches of government.
  • Legislative Collaboration
The Vizier collaborates closely with the Grand Neptune Congress, composed of the House of People and the House of Kings, in the legislative process. While Congress proposes and debates laws, it is the Vizier who ultimately signs new legislation into existence. Additionally, the Vizier has the authority to issue Supreme Commands, which are executive orders that bypass the Council of Lords when necessary for the efficient functioning of the government.
Parent Organization
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Bound by Blood and in Marriage

The Pyt Clan supported the Skyburners in their rule of Mars on the marriage of a Pyt Princess to a Skyburner Prince. With the significant military might of Neptune, the Skyburners of Mars brought the rest of the system back into submission.


Author's Notes

  • Edit Link:{"t1":"sable","shield":"square","charges":[{"charge":"inescutcheonRound","t":"azure","p":"e","size":1.59},{"charge":"castle","t":"argent","p":"e","size":1.17,"t2":"sable"}],"division":{"division":"perPale","line":"straight","t":"tenné"

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