Yād the Unconquerable

Mythical Dragon Knight and Legendary Warrior, Yād Nairobi das Sarkari the 1st

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Yin Yang Re-Convergence: Re-convergence is a technique of the Yin Yang Paths that separates the energies and then rejoins them together, acting as a sort of hard reset for your Magic. This is useful if a Mage has been poisoned with a Magical affliction linked to their Magical Energy, allowing them to purify themselves. It can also be used to cure Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), the most common sickness that can kill your ability to use Magic. Yin Yang Paths are difficult to learn, but doing so is vital to becoming an Eight Arts Mage.

Eyes Over Heaven
The Eyes Over Heaven (EOH) possesses a set of five distinct attributes known as the Five Paths of Heaven: the Path of Destruction, the Path of the Mind, the Path of Control, the Path of Wisdom, and the Path of Pathways.
The Shiva Drishti, The Heavenly Path Of Devastation
  • Occular-Based Energy Regression: Magic is conventionally formed through the harmonious fusion of Mana and Natural Energy within the body, facilitated by specialized Mana Cells. However, this particular ability harnesses a unique form of Energy Fission, which forcefully segregates Mana from Natural Energy, effectively stripping a Mage of their magical capabilities. Consequently, the Mage's Mana Cells are compelled to restart the intricate process, even amidst a battle. Mastery of this ability enables the user to apply the principles of Fission to diverse forms of energy they encounter, expanding its applicability beyond magical energy alone. Notably, this potent technique can be employed to disintegrate the Life Energy within an individual, resulting in their demise with a mere gaze of determination.
  • Ajna 3rd Eye Clairvoyance: The Ajna 3rd eye grants its possessors the extraordinary ability of Clairvoyance, an intricate fusion of sight that transcends time, space, and reality. Those who harness this power can perceive a vast spectrum of existence, including events, individuals, and locales from the past, present, and future. Furthermore, their perception extends beyond the confines of our universe, enabling glimpses into alternate dimensions and parallel realities. This profound insight equips them with invaluable knowledge and the ability to foretell future events with remarkable accuracy. Beyond the confines of our reality, those with the Ajna 3rd eye's Clairvoyance can navigate the boundaries of existence itself. They perceive alternate dimensions and parallel realities, each with its unique laws, inhabitants, and possibilities. This ability allows them to tap into a vast reservoir of knowledge, innovation, and untapped resources from other realms. It also grants them the means to explore different paths of reality, thereby gaining a profound understanding of the consequences of various choices.
The Vishnu Drishti, The Heavenly Path Of Preservation
  • Zero-Point Energy Expanderature: This extraordinary capability enables the efficient modulation of energy within the host's body, resulting in remarkable conservation of energy expenditure during spellcasting endeavors. As a consequence, the user's consumption of personal energy reserves is rendered infinitesimally close to negligible, thereby preventing exhaustion. The ability inherently adapts its efficacy based on the quantum of energy being channeled by the user, effectively scaling itself up or down to align with the required energy levels. Even under demanding circumstances, the host's energy reserves should never diminish beyond 25% of their total Magical Energy capacity. When mastery is achieved, this profound ability extends its influence to encompass all forms of energy housed within the individual's corporeal vessel.
  • Perfect Magical Energy Yield: Mana, originating from the enigmatic realms of the 5th Dimension, undergoes a pivotal process of acquisition within an individual's Mana Cells. These specialized conduits intertwine the collected Mana with Natural Energy, culminating in a harmonious fusion that renders the resulting energy safe for utilization by corporeal beings. Notably, during this transformative process, a portion of Mana dissipates, leading to a diminished yield for most Mages, producing only half or less of the potential Magical Energy. However, this extraordinary ability defies the norm by achieving an impeccable 100% conversion rate of Mana to Magical Energy. As a consequence, the possessor of this ability gains access to an exponentially augmented reserve of energy, surpassing the capabilities of their counterparts. Additionally, the flawless conversion process remarkably reduces the duration required for Magical Energy recovery by half, affording the user swift readiness to employ their magical prowess once more.
  • Energy Manipulation: The user possesses the remarkable capability to generate, manipulate, and mold energy—a fundamental and essential attribute associated with the potential to induce change or accomplish work. Energy, being a fundamental quantitative property intrinsic to systems, whether tangible objects or expansive energy fields, can assume various forms, each exhibiting distinct manifestations and measurable characteristics. As per the principle of energy conservation, the overall energy content of a system can solely experience augmentation or reduction through its transfer into or out of the system. Consequently, when a system comprises multiple non-interacting components or encompasses diverse forms of energy, the total energy can be determined through straightforward summation.
The Ganesha Drishti, The Heavenly Path Of Insight
  • Detection: The individual possesses an extraordinary faculty to discern the presence of all entities, encompassing physical substances, energetic manifestations, potent forces, abstract ideas, and beyond. Moreover, they may acquire an intricate comprehension of the nature they perceive, encompassing its extent, magnitude, concealment, and potential safeguarding measures.
  • Magical Energy Sight: The individual's ocular faculties possess the remarkable capacity to perceive the intricate currents of Magical Energy, not solely within their being and the human vessels of others, but also throughout the vast expanse of the cosmos. When honed to perfection, this extraordinary aptitude grants the ability to apprehend all manner of energy manifestations, irrespective of their origin. By discerning the dynamic ebb and flow of energy, a Mage can astutely discern its origins and destinations. Such a formidable capability holds great worth in predicting adversary maneuvers and the formulation of intricate spells.
  • Divine Insight: The individual inherently possesses an extraordinary faculty to perceive beyond the veils of spells, techniques, and diverse manifestations. Illusions hold no sway over their discerning gaze, rendering optical deceits futile. Merely by witnessing an action or performance, the user can effortlessly penetrate its surface, unraveling its inner workings, functionalities, constraints, and practical applications. Their perceptive eyes become all-encompassing, leaving no room for secrets to hide when engaged. Furthermore, when this proficiency is honed to perfection, it extends its influence to encompass all other senses, rendering the user a paragon of comprehensive perception.
  • Cosmic Awareness: The user possesses an innate awareness that spans the expanse of the universe, granting them insights into significant occurrences such as the obliteration of planets, imminent threats, or any event that bears relevance to their existence. The extent of their perceptual capabilities varies by the magnitude of their power, ranging from perceiving individual planets to encompassing entire galaxies or even the entirety of the cosmos. This adaptable perception allows users to adapt their awareness to different scales, enabling them to gain comprehensive insights into the cosmic tapestry.
The Maya Drishti, The Heavenly Path Of The Mind
  • PSIONICS: The wielders of this extraordinary ability are psychics, individuals endowed with a diverse array of psychic powers and abilities that manifest in various forms. These encompass remarkable capabilities such as psychokinesis, telepathy, teleportation, precognition, and more. The precise quantity of psychic powers a user can simultaneously possess varies, contingent upon factors such as the user's unique aptitude, their capacity to generate and control these powers, their ancestral psychic lineage, and the evolution of their natural abilities. This particular ability acts as an encompassing force, serving as an umbrella power that harmonizes and derives from a singular energy source, unifying all the interconnected powers it encompasses.
  • Brain Manipulation: The user possesses unparalleled dominion over the intricacies of the human brain, exerting absolute control over their cognitive processes as well as those of others. This command encompasses the manipulation of senses, both external and internal, the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind, and all functions governed by the brain. Such comprehensive mastery affords the user the capability to perform a diverse range of functions. By wielding this profound control over the brain, the user possesses the means to navigate the intricate workings of the mind, dictating its functioning and unlocking its full potential. This remarkable ability encompasses autonomic, somatic, and cognitive functions, enabling the user to shape and harness the limitless capabilities of the brain.
The Shakti Drishti, The Heavenly Path Of Pathways
  • Warp Manipulation: The user possesses the remarkable ability to manipulate warps within the fabric of the space-time continuum, exerting control over phenomena such as portals, rifts, distortions, wormholes, and other spatial and temporal warps. Through their manipulation, they can govern the destination and trajectory of these warps, determining whether they lead to another point in time, space, or even alternate dimensions. This power affords them the capability to traverse vast distances and navigate across the intricate tapestry of reality with ease. By harnessing these warps, the user gains unprecedented control over the spatial and temporal aspects of their surroundings, enabling them to transcend the confines of conventional limitations and explore realms far beyond the reach of ordinary perception.
  • Portal Arts: The user possesses profound mastery over the arts of portals, a specialized system of techniques rooted in the manipulation of gateway power. Portals, which serve as extraordinary doorways linked to the fabric of the space-time continuum, enable connections between locations that would otherwise remain disconnected in ordinary physical or spatial circumstances. While many individuals with supernatural abilities can create such gateways primarily for transportation purposes, those well-versed in the Portal Arts can unlock their potential beyond mere movement.
  • Raw Magical Energy Usage: Magical Energy, as conventionally understood, originates from the extraction of Mana from the enigmatic realms of the 5th Dimension and its subsequent amalgamation with Natural Energy through specialized Mana Cells within the body. This transformative process is vital to ensure compatibility with corporeal vessels composed of flesh and blood, as attempting to utilize raw Mana directly would risk catastrophic damage. However, this unique ability empowers the user's body to bypass the fusion process and directly harness Mana in its pure form, eschewing the need for refinement into Magical Energy. Mana, being more abundant and inherently potent, unlocks a greater potential for spellcasting, endowing the user's magical incantations with heightened impact and effectiveness. The utilization of raw Mana amplifies the force and efficacy of spells, allowing for devastating outcomes beyond the limitations imposed by Magical Energy. By tapping into the unadulterated power of Mana, the user gains a formidable advantage, capable of wielding magic with unparalleled potency.
The EOH bestows upon its user an Avatar known as BRAHMA, which can be utilized both offensively and defensively. BRAHMA exhibits two exceptional capabilities: the immediate creation of Celestial Treasures upon command, and the ability to summon the other five Avatars representing the Five Paths of Heaven.
  1. SHIVA: The Avatar of Shakti stands as the epitome of boundless power, representing a fragment of the infinite expanse of the 5th Dimension. When invoked, this awe-inspiring avatar manifests as an endless reservoir of Magical Energy, bestowing upon the summoner an unfathomable wellspring to be wielded at their discretion. In the presence of Shakti's limitless energy, the initial cost of summoning her becomes inconsequential, as the summoner is thereafter liberated from the need to conserve or ration their energy reserves. With Shakti's infinite well of energy at their disposal, the summoner can embark upon extraordinary feats without the encumbrance of energy conservation, thus enabling the full expression of their magical potential.
  2. VISHNU: Upon the summoning of the Avatar of Vishnu, an extraordinary closed system is established between the celestial being and the Summoner. Within this intricate connection, the Avatar assimilates and transmutes the expended Magical Energy of the Summoner, reinvigorating it and replenishing the Summoner's reserves. This remarkable process bestows upon the Summoner an unparalleled and boundless wellspring of Magic, rendering their supply truly "unlimited" and impervious to depletion. This ability proves especially invaluable in environments or circumstances where Magic is nullified or suppressed, as it allows the Summoner to tap into an unceasing source of magical power. In essence, the Avatar of Vishnu functions as an artificial reservoir, perpetually supplying the Summoner with the energy necessary to wield their Magic.
  3. GANESHA: The Avatar of Ganesha is an avatar composed of Magical Energy that, when summoned, primarily acts as a massive boost to the user's Cosmic Awareness, turning it into Hyper-Cosmic Awareness, described as the user possessing an unparalleled state of awareness that transcends the boundaries of the omniverse, enabling them to perceive realities beyond the constraints of time and space. Their perceptive faculties extend to distant realms, allowing them to gaze into worlds far removed from their own. They possess an unmatched ability to detect and comprehend every aspect across the vast expanse of the multiverse, including perceiving imminent perils, even those that pose a threat to their own realm. Moreover, their vast knowledge encompasses the entirety of every universe existing throughout the multiverse, making them an unparalleled repository of cosmic wisdom.
  4. MAYA: The Avatar of Maya has no physical form and only exists within the Mindscape when Summoned, she can forcibly pull the Summoner's victims into a realm of world domain and trap them there unless they can solve the riddle of her prison. Maya also massively amps and boosts the Summoner's PSIONIC powers as she is made entirely of Psychic Power, described as the exceptional ability to possess an extraordinary reservoir of psychic power, a vital and spiritual elemental energy that serves as the wellspring from which all their abilities spring forth. This psychic energy, known as psionics, acts as the primal source that fuels and empowers their diverse array of powers. Within the realm of psychic potential, the concept of energy knows no bounds, capable of manifesting through both mundane and esoteric or supernatural means. This allows users to access a vast repertoire of abilities, be it through natural aptitude, ancestral lineage, genetic mutation, or mystical enchantment.
  5. SHAKTI: The Avatar of Shakti stands as the epitome of boundless power, representing a fragment of the infinite expanse of the 5th Dimension. When invoked, this awe-inspiring avatar manifests as an endless reservoir of Magical Energy, bestowing upon the summoner an unfathomable wellspring to be wielded at their discretion. In the presence of Shakti's limitless energy, the initial cost of summoning her becomes inconsequential, as the summoner is thereafter liberated from the need to conserve or ration their energy reserves. With Shakti's infinite well of energy at their disposal, the summoner can embark upon extraordinary feats without the encumbrance of energy conservation, thus enabling the full expression of their magical potential.
In summary, the Eyes Over Heaven technique enables the user to 1) deplete the magical energy reserves of biological entities, 2) wield formidable Psionic abilities, 3) experience negligible energy loss when employing magic, 4) acquire comprehensive knowledge by mere observation, and 5) create portals to any location below the 5th Dimension. Additionally, each user of EOH possesses a unique, individualized 7th Path exclusive to them, known as the Innate Path. While the EOH eyes may be transferred to another host, the Innate Path remains exclusively usable by the original bearer, devoid of any associated Avatar.


Family Ties

  • Kereenyaga Nairobi | Parent ♂
  • Manjistha Sarkari | Parent ♀
  • Kyphnohaedra Soyinka | Spouse ♀
  • Smirreipesia Soyinka | Offspring ♀
  • Yphnaesia Soyinka | Offspring ♀
  • Oskalynthea Soyinka | Offspring ♀
  • Ismoacireth Soyinka | Offspring ♀
  • Ibroedora Soyinka | Offspring ♀
  • Magnolia Ryūzaki | Spouse ♀
  • Rāghilðir Ryūzaki | Offspring ♀


Yād the Unconquerable


Towards Mythical Dragon-Knight Kyphnohaedra


Mythical Dragon-Knight Kyphnohaedra


Towards Yād the Unconquerable


Dark Blue
Long Black Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown | Copper
250 Lbs.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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