Vabral Zuhelia

Vabral Zuhelia

Vabral is a man made quiet and perceptive through a life of hardship, skills which he puts forward in aid of the rebellion. After mistakenly reaching for the approval of his empire, his family....he found something else, instead.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe but not lacking muscle.

Body Features

Scars around the shoulder where his prosthetic is attached.

Facial Features

Large burn scar that covers one eye, said eye being colored a sickly green, while the other is a dark brown. Both are sharp as much of his face is, with high cheekbones and a slim jaw.

Identifying Characteristics

Burn scar, prosthetic arm.

Physical quirks

Burn scars around the base of his arm.

Special abilities

Incredibly agile, allowing him to flourish in both stealth and combat. His arm allows limited spellcasting, including a powerful Fireball, as well as other abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears dyed black leather armor cloaked by a poncho. Wields a silver rapier and a Sending Stone as an earring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Second son to the emperor, Vabral has always suffered under his brother's shadow. As a bastard child he was kept hidden away, his only friends being his half-brother Stephan and Lumi, the Vessel who spent much of her time on palace grounds. They showed him love in his dark life. His mother cared for him deeply and taught him a lot, but perished to illness when he was young, leaving him lonelier than before.   As time when on his resentment grew and he became more lonely after his only friends left him behind to pursue their destinies. When his brother returned from his first battle..... He had changed. After a tense conversation things turned to violence and Stephan took Vabral's arm. He was forced to flee and wandered for a time, ending up in Lunathros on a whim. He set his sight on usurping his brother, tracking down public enemy number one: The yet unnamed Scapegoats. He tracked them down and deceived them into allowing him to travel with them, using a controlled animal attack to gain their trust. He grew close with the group over weeks of travel, Taxes most of all. She showed him kindness in a way he rarely knew. He came to die and she brought him back, which prompted him to reveal everything. Since he has dedicated himself to making amends and righting the wrongs of his people.

Gender Identity

Seems to lean in a feminine direction, though he is loath to admit it.


Better than most as he was able to piggyback off of Stephan and Lumi's lessons, as well as immerse himself in the palace's vast library. Knowledgeable in history and religion.


Worked as a mercenary for some time after leaving the palace. Now tends to odd jobs between his main pursuits.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Helped the party on numerous occasions, including saving Maloth and using his position to plan leverage against the Empire.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Nearly betrayed the party, lying to them for weeks and planning to turn them in. He still feels horrible, especially after it cause Juniper to be hurt and Taxes to mistrust him. Though she forgave him quickly he still wonders if he deserves it.
  • Avoided Juniper for a time after her encounters with Warren due to fear of her transformation.
  • Fell to the Tile Chimera in the illusory tunnels, which injured him severely.

Mental Trauma

  • Grew up in Drathia as an unwanted bastard son. His mother was kind but overworked and his father was nothing but neglect and false promises.
  • Became tense with his half-brother Stephan, coming to a head in a fight that left Vabral without an arm and expelled from home.
  • Burned to death in Redgate, witnessing for himself the decrepit state of his God and realizing the stakes of the conspiracy he was now embroiled in.
  • Realized the amount of corruption in his church and his countrymen, radically changing his view of himself and those around him.
  • Reunited with Taxes to find her lacking a hand and an eye.

Morality & Philosophy

Sticks strongly to his own code of ethics, believing in justice and fairness for all. He's willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, believing the ends will justify the means, for violence is inevitable in the face of oppression. Questions himself, but remains steadfast in what he has to do.


Considers the glorification or enjoyment of violence as something reprehensible and shuns it strongly, likely inspired by altercations with his brother.

Personality Characteristics


To right the wrongs of his family and empire. To protect Taxes and the people they've come to ally with. To free himself of the guilt he's carried for so long.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at reading people, yet terrible in conversation. Still struggles with the things he was taught to fear under the Flame.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Solitude
  • Poetry
  • History
  • Braggarts and unjust thieves
  • Hypocrites
  • Fire
  • Graveyards or places of violence
  • The smell of alchohol

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Strong sense of justice and conviction
  • Insightful
  • Doesn't let his fear stop him
  • Is willing to do anything in pursuit of his goals
  • Doesn't fear what may happen to him, merely accepts it

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Sees life through a narrow lense, lacking much knowledge and perspective
  • Can act pompous or above those he deems worth his ire
  • Is willing to do anything in pursuit of his goals


Keeps as clean as he can.


Contacts & Relations

  • Involved romantically with Taxes after many months of tension. He has slowly opened up due to her encouragement, now relying heavily on her for support. Very protective of her.
  • Has a friendly but distant relationship with Juniper, pushing away after her transformation. Might try to close that distance.
  • Has clashed with Akordia, as they both embody bad things for each other, Vabral often projecting upon her. He has apologized and intends to treat her as an ally, though he still disapproves of her violent tendencies.
  • Has a close, possibly sibling like relationship with Lumi, who he's spent some time catching up with. Gently involves her in their operations.
  • Scared of Stephan, seeing him being enough to send him into a panic attack. Hates him and what he stands for.
  • Has met Ekthor, a worshipper of The Raven Queen, who offered to guide him in the future.

Family Ties

Religious Views

Believes (or wants to believe) that there's a reason for everything. Sees the divine as absolute, arbiters of the world who guide us, though these views have come to question with the collapse of the Flame.   Pays tribute to Eldath, grateful for her help and guidance. Despite his continued violent acts he finds comfort in her doctrine.   While he doesn't know what to make of her he generally finds himself operating under the principles of the Raven Queen, which could shift as he learns more of her faith and differing perspectives on their mysterious goddess. For now at least he can agree that the dead should rest, and so he finds himself her champion.

Social Aptitude

Is highly insightful, which helps to counteract his anxiety in these situations. Good at relying his point and what he wants in pragmatic exchanges, but matters of the heart are harder for him, though he's getting better with that.


Often keeps his face very measured and immotive. Tends to clench and unclench his metal fist, which heats up and smokes when he's angry.

Hobbies & Pets

Has an affinity for his horse, caring for it well and even speaking to it without any magical aid. Writes in his spare time as well....when he has it.


Speaks slowly and with deliberation, avoiding profanity in most conversations.


Vabral Zuhelia

Half-brother (Vital)

Towards Stephan Zuhelia



Stephan Zuhelia

Half-brother (Vital)

Towards Vabral Zuhelia



Legal Status

Unknown by the public and legal entities.

Vabral Zuhelia

Lover (Vital)

Towards Tifaxis Jogglebink



Tifaxis Jogglebink

Lover (Vital)

Towards Vabral Zuhelia




The two met in Wander Woods while the party was on the run. Vabral introduced himself as "Steven Stevens" and attempted to earn the party's trust, initially planning to turn them in to the empire as means of earning his place among his family. Taxes quickly fell for him and he followed not long after, especially after he revealed the truth and she, to his surprise, forgave him. The two "made it official" only months later, and have been inseparable since.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Great guilt and responsibility, sympathies towards Eldath, and an appreciation for humanoid life.

Shared Secrets

Knowledge of their conspiracy, rebellion, and the happenings between him and his brother.

Vabral Zuhelia

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards The Angle of The Flame Illumination Hiam



The Angle of The Flame Illumination Hiam

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards Vabral Zuhelia




The two met soon after Lumi was born, and spent a lot of time together as they lived in the same area. Lumi would often visit the palace and see him in her offtime or between lessons, and along with Stephan they had many happy memories. She lost contact with him after he left the palace.

Shared Secrets

Knowledge of the conspiracy and the Scapegoat's activities.

Wealth & Financial state

Has depleted much of his mercenary earnings and stolen goods from the past, now relying on odd jobs to keep an income.

Second son to the imperial throne of the Drathian Empire, Vabral lived a life in the shadows of the holy flame before being ejected from his palace home. After death and rebirth he seeks to right the wrongs of his family, or die trying.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Status
Healing and working
Date of Birth
30th of The Silver Dawn
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by a Flameskull, subsequently revived by Taxes
In the heart of Drathia's capital
Stephan Zuhelia (Half-brother)
Current Residence
A cheap Moonbright inn
One dark brown and one a sickly green
Long black hair down to his shoulders, well kept and adorned with a single small braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "My real name is Vabral Zuhelia. Second son to the throne."
  • "You gave me my life. I owe you everything."
  • "I hear the voices of the dead and the damned in age where the Empire would hide it's genocide. When they cannot speak, I will become their voice."
Eldath/Raven Queen
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Celestial.


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Dec 15, 2022 04:25
