Sonia Juniper

Sonia Juniper (a.k.a. June)

The adventurer with a thousand names. Champion of the Prosaic Son   June was born and raised in Moonbright. She lived with her mother, father, and 2 younger siblings that she wishes she was closer too. She was a outcast in school with the exception of her best friend Hollar Arrowhead. The two drifted apart shortly after hitting adulthood. She abruptly left Moonbright after witnessing another Harefolk around her age killed by a Seeker. She did not give proper goodbyes.   Finding her foothold in The Village in the Hills, and decided to help her future party with a string of disappearances in the neighboring Seeker village. The repercussions of this day leave rise to the Scapegoats, and the past, present, and future into questioning.

Physical Description

Body Features

Freckles scatter her face, shoulders, and rear like forgotten constellations framed by short grey fur. The swipe of bear's claws that almost took her life rests between her shoulders.

Facial Features

She has been touched by divinity. Her freckles resemble that of stars and eyes glow with a hint of liquid gold. There is subtlety in her appearance, but to anyone with a keen eye, its obvious.

Special abilities

June has the standard abilities that a rabbit does, dark vision, a dig speed, and a jump similar to their ancestors. She is proficient in a few kits, such as the disguise kit and the poisoners kit. June additionally has been blessed by Aeric, and now has the ability to cast certain spells.

Apparel & Accessories

Despite how much June has grown and changed as a person, she still wears her iconic red scarf whenever she can. She rarely includes this feature in her disguises since she does not want to draw attention to herself. Additionally, she still keeps her blue gem necklace, a gift from her parents, on in all of her disguises. She may be on bad terms with most of her family, but she still loves them and the item holds a lot of sentimental value. June started to wear enchanted glasses, similar to that of her mother, to hide the glow in her eyes.

Specialized Equipment

June has gone through many disguises, many being retired due to catching the Seekers Ire. Most of June's Disguises  have been recycled and disposed of. There are a handful of one time use outfits that she kept or used as scrap fabric for future projects.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Gender used to be simple for Harefolk, with pressure on the binary being a foreign concept in their Gnomish and Elven neighbors. This has become complicated with Drathian influence, but June grew up in a traditional family. June binds out of convince, its easier to sneak in through windows this way. She started using this to her advantage in latter disguises, but she does not hate or like having a chest. She dresses more on the masc side, and dislikes her birth name Sonia, but she does like being seen as a woman. Maybe that will develop further in the future. It's hard to say with culture, upbringing, and the company she keeps not emphasizing how to present herself.


June never really thought about her sexuality. She hated the Seekers and dodged their beliefs on sex and sexuality, and her parents were old fashioned Harefolk that never really asked or challenged it. June dated a bit as a teenager across genders, but she was never really emotionally present in those relationships to learn about herself past a surface level. The added criminal record and being on the run did not help this exploration in the slightest. Outside of the small crush on Daisy Dukes , June never had the time to think about it. She still thinks she doesn't have time for romance, and now this cunt of a demi god has inserted himself into her life. Maybe this feeling is a side affect to being in the presence of such unparalleled, raw divinity.


Standard Moonbright schooling, but she skipped and napped through the majority of it. Once, she scared off Hahlar's bullies because she brought a knife to school and created a irreparable rift between her peers and teachers. Despite this, fate has taught her more than than the average person would learn in a lifetime.


June used to work side gigs utilizing her poison expertise. She worked for Diana Daisy and for the thieves guild in Redgate. Additionally, June's alternate identity, Hollyhock, is the owner of the poison shop Mint Vials. The store is mainly a front to transport supplies in the rebellion against Drathian occupation. The store is staffed by Gnomes and Fairies who are also aiding the efforts.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of June's biggest regret was the one she made the second she was alone for the first time in her life. Ruining the relationship between the Gnomes and Seekers in The Village in the Hills has been a terrible memory with the devastation she left a village that only welcomed her with hospitality. Leaving her Parents and Hahlar without saying goodbye was another embarrassments. June knew that Harefolk valued family and sticking together, and she ran away with a short note that explained nothing. She used to see herself as a coward for running away and not being able to talk about what happened to Mint openly with who she thought were the people she was closest with. The most recent failure is how June handled the wererat situation. She wanted to say goodbye to her mother in case the worst came of her, but all she did was scare the already stressed woman. The failure to followup stings more than the act itself. She was busy, but that was no excuse.

Mental Trauma

The most influential trauma that June sustained was seeing Seekers presumably killing Mint when she was barely a adult. This single event was the last straw, and caused June to run away in a terrible mental state. She was left with a lot of unresolved anger towards the Seekers and their allies, and this will be with her for many years to come. The mass murder of Seekers in The Village in the Hills stems from this.The string of losses following the mass Seeker murder left a sense of purposelessness that dragged on in the early days of the campaign. This has started to diminish only recently with the slow accumulation of allies and grander plans of rebellion. The betrayal of Warren leading to so much harm to June and her party still lingers. The altercation between June and Taxes when she was cursed with lycanthropy still gives her nightmares. The inevitable displacement of her family due to her actions endangering their lives mind for a while now. She is going to ruin her brothers childhoods.

Morality & Philosophy

June puts safety of herself and her fellow party members at any means necessary. Assurance over chance, there is no such thing as unnecessary bloodshed. June is a complicated, angry individual. She has a history of not feeling guilt when she killed Seekers, but there is a guilt in not feeling remorse. She knows killing is a terrible act, but it is hard to forgive people who work under a system that stands on the foundations of stepping on people who can't fight back. It ends here. June doesn't think she knows who she is without this anger, and if she did ever loose it... she doesn't think she would have the drive to lead a country into a new era.

Personality Characteristics


Early days was about trying to do as much good before inevitably being caught and executed, but things have become grander now and she plans on following through until the bitter end. Her and the party are planting the seeds of rebellion soon when going public, and Lunathros is going to be counting on them. There is a tiny part of her that wants to impress Aeric after how bad she fumbled the Melodia  fight, or maybe that's something else.

Likes & Dislikes

She does not like being called Sonia, and does not think that she fits the name at all. It is a hatred that started young and grew stronger throughout the years. Hahlar is on thin ice with the name Sonia, but that may change in the coming future.


As good as an adventurer on the road can do. She constantly has anti tick and flea medication in her bag. When she is in towns, she makes the time to keep up with her hair and fur. Matted down fur feels just as bad as it looks, and the only time June let it get that bad was when she was cursed.


Contacts & Relations

June is often traveling with Tifaxis Jogglebink, Akordia Akavish, and Vabral Zuhelia, and have grown close due to the tight knit nature of putting your lives on the line together. June is the closest with Taxes, having the most history together and being the two who started this mess in Village of Orkney. The dynamic between Vabral and June is complicated. June was the fastest to forgive them, but they were the slowest of the party to grow close. After June was cursed by Warren Rashe with lycanthropy, the two drifted further apart. June wants to get closer to him, but it is hard to find the time with the stresses of a war on the horizon. Akordia is a new arrival, but the two have quickly bonded over some darker commonalities.   Hahlar Arrowhead was June's first, and only, childhood best friend. The two were outcasts to their peers and bonded quickly. June scared off Hahlar's bullies one day by taking a knife to school one day, and the two were inseparable for many years. The two drifted apart when they both became adults, each trying to find their way in a world that was not made for them. June took the growing rift between them hard, and is one of the reasons why she fled Moonbright when she did. The two have reunited when June returned to Moonbright after being on the run for months, and the two have been working together to try and save whats left of their home from being lost.   June met Faena Sparkshadow after a mission between Faena's group and the Seekers went wrong. The team was being chased by Seekers and ran into June while she was out looking at the twilight sky. Iona Spearmint tripped and was gravely injured by a Seeker guard. June assumed the worst, grabbed a injured Faena and ran. Indebted, Faena organized June's leave from Moonbright through her brothers shipping company.

Family Ties

Juniper comes from a household of 5 including herself. She has a mother, father, and two younger brothers. June and her mother, Lilian Juniper , have a strained relationship with conflicting world views. June's recent developments into political conspiracy was met anger and disappointment. June understands where her mom is coming from, but that does not mean June is willing to Compromise. June has a better relationship with her father, Lars Juniper, and even receives support from the large rabbit despite everything. June's younger brothers, Theopolis Juniper and Reinwald Juniper, never had the chance to grow close due to their age gap and June's teenage angst. Her relationship with them is difficult since it's hard to understand why June ran away in the first place, let alone unpacking everything that happened in the aftermath.

Religious Views

The Junipers went to church like the average farming family, but June was never a religious rabbit. She would often take naps during church functions and daydream when the services would be over. She picked up a basic understanding and would call herself a follow of Luna as default, but there wasn't much thought put into the subject. Even when her life fell apart around her, she relied on herself and her friends and didn't take to faith as a way to cope. This changed after a certain nightmare. During the celebration after successfully relocating the the Village in the Hills, June found a quite moment to herself. She searched the night sky for one of Lunathros' moons, and prayed in full earnest to Luna for the first time.   June's faith was challenged directly during her plunder in Old Moonbright. The Prosaic Son Aeric, showed himself to June and proposed her a alliance, one where she would side with him and go against The Twilit Hare in slaying her dragon. June agreed, unknowing how her relationship with Aeric will develop.  


She has a vice grip on her mannerisms due to having to pretend to be different people for the sake of her and her friends lives, but she never shock the habit of tapping her foot when shes frustrated. Even with the world seemingly burning around her, she still takes the time to appreciate the view on her travels. She is someone living in the moment, with a terrible rage within her eyes that is only seen once you've gotten too close to run.

Hobbies & Pets

June picked up sewing earlier in her travels to make disguises to avoid the Seekers watchful gaze. The necessary skill extended more into a hobby, with sewing her friends and herself adorned outfits for festivals and casual outfits on request. Her identity is secret, and this little bit of self expression  that she can maintain is s solace.   Embroidery is a hobby she picked up out of desire after visiting Hill Ruins. Her time in the ruins left a lot to digest, and seeing her family having kept embroidery hoops as family heirlooms struck a cord with her. Whether it be the desire to connect with her family's forgotten roots, or a desire to reflect on her adventures, June embroiders the many views that few will ever see, and fewer survive. Maybe this way, she can tell herself and others that come after that yes, this did happen.


Sonia Juniper


Towards The Prosaic Son Aeric


The Prosaic Son Aeric


Towards Sonia Juniper


Wealth & Financial state

As the average adventuring party, wealth is in constant flux. June didn't see the need to hang onto her money since she is always on the road, and likes to distribute it to her loved ones when she can. Hahlar has a sugar mommy, and June would give her parents money if the Seekers wouldn't ask questions. With the recent acquisition of a house and picking uo hobbies for herself, maybe she will be more likely to treat herself now and then.

Born and raised in Moonbright. 15 years old and wanted at large. Trying to fix things.

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Juniper Playlist


  June's Disguises

Chaotic Good/Neutral
Current Status
Wandering the wilds of Lunathros and Fae
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Scapegoat, Champion of the Prosaic Son
Current Residence
Halah's floor
Woman Rabbit
Gender neutral, dresses for convienence and comfort. Whenever she is wearing skirts and dresses, she always has shorts under incase she needs to tare away the skirt in conflit.
Brassy gold, wide and unperceptive. There is a glow of divinity in her pupils that are encompased on the full moon. Some of her disguises wear enchanted glasses to hide this feature.
Growing her hair out since she has been on the road but kept up with her bangs. Hair currently at shoulder length and tied into a ponytail. Hair naturally blond, but currently died split black and red.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey, often a bit raggedy and unkempt from traveling the Lunathrosian wilderness. Freckles on face, shoulders and rear, many of which resemble stars after stricking a alliance with Aeric.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I can't fix this" "I guess that makes sense, you and I are similar in a way..."
Aeric situationship
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Thieves Cant

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