History of Lunathros

The timeline of the continent now known as Lunathros, or Zuhelia to those colonizing it.

The Misty Age

3000 600

The time before the Sundering, remembered better by some than others.

  • -1200 MA

    Gem Arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    Fleeing the Sundering through Faerie lands a large band of Gnomes to Lunathros.

The Time of Rebuilding

0 and beyond

The era after the Sundering, in which much of the world was lost to chaotic elemental horror.

  • 500 TOR

    11 /11

    Luna's Enlightenment
    Cultural event

    Under the light of the moon a Hare rises. The first of her kind. Luna, gifted with new form and intelligence, is born.

  • 600 TOR

    9 /6

    Birth of The Prosaic Son
    Life, Birth

    Aeric, Demigod Hare of Trickery and Revolution is born.

  • 1104 TOR

    Arrival of The Seekers

    The first of the Seekers arrive and begin their mission: Spreading their doctrine to the land and setting down roots for the first Drathian colonies.

  • 1105 TOR

    1110 TOR

    Negotiations Between Drathia and Lunathrosians Begin
    Diplomatic action

    First Lycan sightings reported as Drathians begin to colonize and communicate with other locals, establishing the beginning of a partnership with the native Hare. They convert many with the promise of "advanced" assistance, particularly protection from the predatory Fangs of Malar. At the same time many other communities step forward with demands to control the Drathian's spread, primarily to protect the Lycans. Debate insues on the course forward, and negotiations are long. The tension rises.

  • 1106 TOR

    1110 TOR

    The Will of The Flame
    Diplomatic action

    Negotiations continue as Drathia continues to spread across Windrun Plain, ingratiating themselves with many of the Hare settlements. Slowly, something shifts. Those sympathetic to Lycan or pro Lycan communities are phased out. Conversation slows. The decision is made: Lycanthropes cannot be trusted. The violence begins.

  • 1112 TOR

    1117 TOR

    Sword and Fang
    Military action

    The war begins, with the Seekers rallying in a crusade against the purposed Lycan menace. They rally in defence: Lycan clans, Gnomeish militia from above and below, Eldathyns, Firbolg warriors, Druids of the Moon and Land Circles, many Moonlighters and more important factions and communities bring themselves to their aid, and suffer the consequences. Many hill dwelling Gnomes and Hare are shunned or banished for their choice, Lycans are expelled from their non Lycan clans, and more. The violence is overwhelming, but the fight seems to be doable.

  • 1117 TOR

    1118 TOR

    The Burning of Windrun Plain
    Disaster / Destruction

    The violence comes to a head in Windrun Plain, where the Flame becomes more than a name. Seeker Soldiers alight a wildfire which engulfs the area, and the overwhelming forces corral their opposition to a burning death. The Hare, Gnomeish, and Drathian settlements in the area are alight. Many Lycanthrope clans all but perish, their remnants to be hunted later or left to hide in shadow. The populations of the hill Gnomes, Eldathyns, and Druids are severely reduced, subject now more than ever to separation and degradation. Legend says the flames raged for nearly a year.

  • 1120 TOR

    Beginning of Drathian and Hare Collision
    Diplomatic action

    The partnership between peoples is solidified, with the majority of Hare settlements willfully or otherwise joining the empire. Others flee to farther lands, and Gnomes back to their homes, becoming more secluded than ever.

  • 1200 TOR

    1 /1

    The Slaughter of Orkley
    Criminal Activity

    A group of Lunathros natives are tasked by leader of the Village in the Hills to investigate a string of murders. They go on to murder Seeker soldiers, sparking public panic and fraying the political minefield.

  • 1200 TOR

    3 /5

    Village Beheaded
    Political event

    Drathian soldiers arrive at the Village in The Hills, demanding to know who was responsible for the murders. Dorros gives himself up and is taken into custody.