Asaria Leancaster

First Queen Asaria Vassant Leancaster

Asaria Leancaster was the first queen of Oussia, a legendary figure who founded the kingdom and led her people in a war against a great enemy. Though the details of this war have been lost to history, what remains is the legacy of a ruler who sacrificed much for the sake of her people and was fiercely protective of her kingdom.

Asaria was not only a skilled warrior, but also a benevolent ruler. She was known to be kind to her people, but harsh to those who threatened them. Her rule was marked by a commitment to justice and a willingness to do whatever was necessary to protect her subjects.

Legend has it that Asaria was the child of Savrsan, an angel of Virago. There is some evidence to support this claim, as the royal family of Oussia still carries traces of divine blood. Whether or not this is true, it is clear that Asaria was a powerful and charismatic leader who inspired loyalty and devotion in her subjects.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Asaria's story is her relationship with a greater silver dragon. According to legend, the two were inseparable companions, and fought as one in battle. Some even believe that the dragon was sent to Asaria as a gift from the gods, a sign of their favor and protection.

Despite the passing of time and the loss of many records, Asaria Leancaster remains a beloved figure in Oussian history. Her legacy lives on in the tales and legends that have been passed down through generations, and in the blood of the royal family who still claim her as an ancestor. She was truly a remarkable woman, and her contributions to the kingdom of Oussia will never be forgotten.
Current Status
Date of Birth
4th of Reques
Date of Death
15th of Vital
112 184 72 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of old age
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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