
Oussia, a land once ruled by kings and queens and believed to be blessed by the gods, is now under the control of the Alyssian Empire. Despite the conquest, Oussia remains a land rich in culture and resources, making it a valuable territory for the empire. However, with industrialization and technological advancement affecting every corner of the country, Oussia finds itself in the midst of great change.   The Alyssians, while trying to meld Oussia into their own culture and way of life, are careful not to destroy the unique and rich culture and traditions of the Oussians. This has created a division among the Oussian population, with the older generation longing for the old Oussia, and the younger generation growing up under Alyssian rule without complaints.


Oussia is no longer a monarchy but is governed by a council of elected Alyssians and Oussians. The head of the council is an Alyssian noble appointed by the emperor. This council serves as the governing body for Oussia, overseeing various aspects of daily life such as taxation, law enforcement, and public works projects. The council is comprised of a mix of Alyssian and Oussian officials, with the number of representatives from each side determined by population and other factors.   While the council governs Oussia as a whole, there are also smaller governing bodies at the regional and local levels. These bodies are responsible for more specific issues within their areas of jurisdiction, such as managing local resources, providing public services, and resolving disputes.   One important aspect of the Oussian government is its relationship with the Alyssian Empire. While the council has some degree of autonomy in governing Oussia, it ultimately answers to the emperor and must adhere to the laws and policies of the empire. This can sometimes lead to tension between the Oussian and Alyssian members of the council, as the two groups may have different priorities and perspectives.


Oussia is currently in the middle of a mass culture shift. They are adapting to the culture and laws of Alyssia while keeping their own culture and traditions intact. Oussians tend to live simple lives. They begin learning a trade at an early age, and tend to stick to that line of work their whole lives. This has changed somewhat, with industrialization creating many simple labor jobs. It is not uncommon for many young people to have multiple jobs throughout their lives. Corporation culture has also started to bleed into the lives of Oussian citizens. Many people take simple factory jobs for the sole purpose of climbing the ladder into management positions.

Technological Level

Oussia is currently in a period of rapid technological advancement, thanks in large part to the influence of the Alyssian Empire. The Alyssians have brought with them a wealth of knowledge and advanced technologies, which they are sharing with the Oussian people. This has led to a boom in industry, with factories and manufacturing plants popping up all over the country.     One of the key areas where Oussia is making great strides is in the field of transportation. With the advent of steam power, Oussian engineers have developed new modes of transportation, such as trains and steamboats, which have revolutionized travel and commerce within the country. The roads and bridges connecting Oussian cities and towns have been greatly improved, allowing for faster and more efficient transportation of goods and people.   In addition to transportation, Oussia is also making significant advancements in other areas of science and technology. The country has a number of universities and research institutions, where scientists and engineers are working on everything from new agricultural techniques to advanced weaponry. Many Oussian scientists are also collaborating with their Alyssian counterparts, sharing knowledge and expertise to push the boundaries of what is possible.   Overall, Oussia's technological and scientific levels are on the rise, with new discoveries and advancements being made on a regular basis. The country is quickly becoming a hub of innovation and industry, with the potential to become a major player on the global stage.


The enforced religion of Alyssia is prophetism, or the Faith of the Prophets. Worshiping any gods or deities not specified by the prophets is punishable by death, although most offenders spend years in labor camps before their execution. Outside of the Alyssian Islands, the law allows for some minor worship of other gods, so long as you pay a "heretic tax" to the church.

Agriculture & Industry

Oussia's vast land is rich in natural resources and fertile farmland, making agriculture and industry key to its economy. Rare ore deposits are found in abundance, providing mass amounts of raw material to factories and craftsmen. Famine is also rare, with crops and livestock raised in every corner of the country.


Education in Oussia is not as well-known as Alyssia's, but it remains respectable. Schools exist in every major town or city, and educational books and tools are provided to the more rural population for very low prices. The Oussian citizens tend to live simple lives, starting to learn a trade at an early age and sticking to that line of work their whole lives, but with industrialization creating many simple labor jobs, it is not uncommon for many young people to have multiple jobs throughout their lives.
Founding Date
94 A.O.U
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Notable Members


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