
Leancaster is the capitol of Oussia. Colloquially known as the Bright Capitol for its abundant use of limestone for building material. Nestled beside the The Rainy Depths, many of the commoners make a living as fishers and sailors.  


Leancaster's main population are made up of humans and arawelo, but many half orcs, dwarvs, and nalchurions also call this city home. Many different races have migrated to the city after the war, enticed by the fresh market of a recently industrialized land.  


  Leancaster was once the seat of power for the Oussian monarchy, but the Alyssian conquest of the region has drastically changed the city's political landscape. Under the current system of governance, the Alyssian ambassador to Oussia appoints an overseer to manage the city's affairs. The overseer is responsible for leading a council that governs the entire Oussian Territory, which includes Leancaster as well as other major cities and settlements in the region. The council itself is made up of a mix of Alyssian politicians and nobles, as well as native Oussian leaders. While the Alyssians hold the majority of seats on the council, there is a concerted effort to incorporate the perspectives and needs of the Oussian people into decision-making processes. The council is responsible for enforcing Alyssian law in the region, but also aims to preserve and respect Oussian cultural traditions and ways of life.    


Leancaster sits on the edge of The Rainy Depths in-between two mountain ranges, making an attack from the south the only feasible means to invade the city on land. Leancaster also boasts a fairly large fleet of sky ships to protect them from aerial assaults. With the introduction of magical technology, many golems and magical siege engines are also used in the city's defenses.  

Industry & Trade

  Leancaster's industrialization after the war has brought a great deal of economic growth to the city and the surrounding region. The availability of raw materials like limestone and ores has made construction and specialized craftsmanship key industries in the area. In particular, the city is known for its skilled stonemasons, who create intricate and beautiful structures using the abundant limestone quarried nearby. Many of these structures can be seen throughout the city, giving it a distinctive look and feel. In addition to construction and craftsmanship, Leancaster has also become a hub for manufacturing and production. Alyssian companies have established factories in the city to take advantage of the region's resources and labor force. These factories produce a wide range of goods, from textiles and clothing to machinery and tools. This has led to an increase in job opportunities for the lower class, although there are concerns about working conditions and exploitation.   The city also benefits from its location near the Rainy Depths, as fishing and shipping are important industries for many of the city's inhabitants. The Rainy Depths are home to a variety of fish and other aquatic creatures, providing a steady source of food and income for Leancaster's residents. The city's large fleet of sky ships also plays a role in the region's trade, as it allows for easy transportation of goods to other cities and settlements in the area.  

Notable Locations

The Ivory Keep

Other Information

Founding Date: 112 A.O.U Population: 800,000 Lifestyle: Comfortable Economy: Stable (increasing)


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