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Session 5: High Fields, Low Tides, Part 4

General Summary

With the crew of The Twilight Endeavour under attack from the skies, Sparrow used the distraction to enter the captain's cabin and confront the young water genasi Marin. She remained unwilling to talk about her reason for being there, saying she was worried about jeopardising her position on the ship, but continued to insist the captain had done nothing wrong towards her. As the battle raged on deck, a barrel from The Coral Creamery - cargo from the stricken Lady Genevieve broke open, with a ginger tabaxi emerging from within.
Between the efforts of Sparrow and Erebus, the Ember Roc was eventually slain, but not before tearing bloody chunks out of Captain Stormwind, Azanes and Flynn.

The tabaxi survivor introduced themself as Tedric Lumar, a former crew member of the wrecked ship. While they slept through and missed the attack which destroyed the Lady Genevieve, they were able to confirm that it was a vessel of the Skyfarer's Guild, and flew under the command of a tiefling captain named Dumos, who had a short temper and poor way with people.

As Captain Stormwind attempted to return to his cabin to rest his injuries, Sparrow confronted him once again about Marin. Finally relenting, he led Sparrow into his cabin for a private discussion, while Erebus oversaw the Endeavour as it moved past the debris field and back on towards Aecor's Lull.

Over the next few days, the crew slowly began to settle around the new addition - being a Guild member, Stormwind had granted Ted permission to stay on board as long as they needed. Sparrow was able to finally send her letters off to her Uncle Leon through the Lunar Dragon Silverscribe, and Erebus confessed to the captain about his not-so-covert entry to his cabin the previous night. Stormwind already seemed aware, and offered Erebus some advice about not letting others determine his decision making for him.

The Endeavour arrived at Aecor's Lull on the 15th day of travel, rather than the 10 originally estimated by Amber Highfield. The settlement was centred on the floating shard of a mountain peak, around which walkways and piers had been built housing assorted vessels, stores and residences.
Stormwind remained on board saying he had some business to take care of, sending the party to seek out the Salvager's Guild in The Blustering Pint, and sending Marin along with them.
Meanwhile, with Erebus shadowing, Tedric snuck on board an unmanned skyship - The Midnight Meteor - in an attempt to loot some supplies for the Endeavour. Finding most of the doors locked, they did locate an apparently empty chest, radiating with a faint magical energy.

Returning the chest to the ship, Tedric and Erebus caught up with Sparrow, Flynn and Marin, as they made their way through the maze of walkways gently bobbing upon the ocean surface. Erebus took some time to pay a visit to the local temple of Mortis, wherein the shroudpriest stood vigil over a recently deceased, older tiefling. Sparrow paid a visit to the temple of Aecor, beseeching the sea god's blessing for the voyage ahead, and with the favour of the gods behind them, the party headed for The Blustering Pint.

The half orc doorman at the tavern granted the party access when they announced they had business with the Salvager's Guild, directing them to speak to a human man who sat alone at a table close to the bar. He introduced himself as Renn Long, owner of the tavern and leader of the Salvager's Guild. He was loud and showy, and took a little too much interest in Erebus, but seemed to be on the level when it came to talking business.
Renn informed Erebus that the marked location of Amber's Pathfinder was called the Serpent's Teeth - an area notorious for snagging detritus lost in the Tempestuous Deep - and that no Guild vessels were sailing due to the storm, and they were welcome to wait a few days until it cleared.
Renn also told the party that a non-Guild salvager by the name of "Mad Maggie" had set out a day ahead of them, and that if she beat them to the Pathfinder they'd have a hard job getting it back from her.

With no time to lose, the party hired a small but seaworthy vessel, and headed out into the Stormrift Valley. Marin revealed to the group the nature of her abilities as a Lightweaver, setting the boat on the correct course for the Serpent's Teeth. In beastform, Sparrow braved the waters of the ocean, encountering a school of semi-helpful fish, who informed her that they had seen another boat pass in their direction, and that the item they were looking for probably ended up "in the hole" at the Serpent's Teeth.

With Marin's guidance, the party continued on for several hours into the rough seas, before Mad Maggie's ship - Fortune's Favour - became visible ahead, anchored at the Pathfinder's last known location...
Report Date
14 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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