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Session 7: Leviathians, Tritons and Balverines. Oh my!

General Summary

Returning from the sunken caverns of the Serpent's Teeth, Sparrow, Erebus and Flynn quickly boarded their small boat and began to make their way back to Aecor's Lull as best they could without a functioning Lightweaver.
Finally taking the opportunity to rest, the party took shifts, attempting to keep the vessel on course in the hope of eventually seeing the welcoming lighthouse on the horizon.

As Sparrow took her shift at the wheel, she heard a knock from the roof of the boat's wheelhouse. Looking out, she saw a pair of legs casually hanging from the roof above. Waking the rest of the group, she swiftly climbed to the roof, finding herself face to face with a stern-faced, scarred and battle-worn triton in the garb of a ship's captain.
The triton asked for Sparrow's name, and in return introduced herself as Sirena Vortex, captain of the Leviathan's Grasp. She began asking about the party's reasons for entering the Tempestuous Deep, seeing through Sparrow's attempts to deflect the questions. With the boat under threat, Tedric unleashed his alternate form, transforming into a shimmering white balverine - a feywild creature of immense ferocity.
Momentarily taken aback, Captain Vortex summoned forth a colossal sea leviathan, encircling the boat, and leading to some more forthcoming discussion between the two parties.

After ascertaining the party's motives, Captain Vortex took a tithe of just 5 gold pieces - 1 per crew member - and offered escort back to Aecor's Lull, using her own Lightweaving abilities to determine they were around 17 degress off course. The party accepted, and as the Leviathan's Grasp broke away, the captain left them with a parting message: "The Marrow Reavers have not forgotten the name 'Taryrn'."

Back at Aecor's Lull, Erebus and Tedric returned their rented vessel, while Sparrow and Marin returned to the Twilight Endeavour for medical treatment. En route, they passed the Midnight Meteor, where the crew were in heated arguments about the theft of a chest from their ship.
Arriving at the ship, Sparrow gave her report to Captain Stormwind, before joining Marin in sick bay, where an unimpressed Azanes tended to them both with just a hint of malice.

After returning their boat, Erebus and Tedric made their own ways back to their ship, with both making stops at the temple of Mortis, and Erebus passing into a leatherworker for some armour upgrades. Heading back up to the shard, Tedric passed the crew of the Midnight Meteor gearing up with intent to find their lost chest, and Erebus passed a small crag in the rock surface, from which he could hear several voices threatening the goblin dockmaster.

Deciding the chest was worth investigating, Tedric discovered that Thalun Mysticshell had stumbled across it, and taken it to his store for inspection. He identified it as a Chest of Concealment, capable of hiding its contents in the Ethereal Plane for safekeeping. Tedric called in the captain and Erebus for advice about how to proceed, with the captain suggesting they find out the contents of the chest before proceeding further, and that it might be safer not to entangle further with a ship of the Iron Bastion.

Meanwhile, Sparrow returned to the Driftwood Market to pick up some items, ending up in a run down general store named Palasha's Procurements. Inside, a young mermaid was chained to the counter, desperately pleading with Sparrow to spend some money so Mr. Palasha didn't get mad at her when he returned.
Giving the mermaid 20 gold pieces, Sparrow coaxed a description of her owner out of the young woman, and stormed off towards the local tavern to locate him.

Picking up the rest of the party on the way, Sparrow explained the situation, and her plans to end the life of the slave owner. Sending Erebus back to free the mermaid, Sparrow entered the Stormwatch Tavern, quickly finding the man matching the description of Palasha.
Extremely inebriated, he seemed to struggle to follow his conversation with Sparrow, and was happy to receive 50 gold pieces in exchange for the sale of the mermaid. As this transpired, Erebus found the store and attempted to free the mermaid, leading to an admission that she was Palasha, and that the chains were all just theatre to encourage more "pity sales". Taken aback, but respecting the sales tactic, Erebus hurried back to stop Sparrow and Tedric from harming "Mr. Palasha."
Finding out the truth, the dejected Sparrow returned to the now empty store, speaking into the water that she was just glad Palasha was okay, and that she wanted her to keep the gold. As Sparrow walked away, there was a soft clink of a coin purse being thrown back up onto the pier, but she left it untouched and returned to her ship.

As the Endeavour prepared to set off, the contents of the chest were finally revealed with the command word "Stormforge": 10 sets of red and gold robes, a short written passage on parchment, and a magically imbued coin.
Meanwhile, below deck, Sparrow's investigation of her metal shard from the Serpent's Teeth revealed it to be another magical coin, which was reacting to a small sapphire set into one of the dragon heads on her torque.
With a number of questions hanging over the day's events, the Twilight Endeavour set off from Aecor's Lull, heading inland as the captain set a course for the town of Coral Harbour...


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