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Telaria Windsong

Captain Telaria Windsong (a.k.a. The Eye of the Storm)

A retired sky-captain, Telaria Windsong is as much a part of the tavern as the ancient galleon it’s built upon. With a weathered face and eyes like the stormy sea, she’s a figure of intrigue and respect. Her tales of adventure are as famous as the spirits she serves, and her knowledge of the Shattered Realms is unparalleled.
Telaria runs the Mariner’s Rest with a firm but fair hand, and her establishment is a neutral ground where all are welcome — if they abide by her rules. She’s known for her generosity to those in need and her uncanny ability to broker peace among rivals. The Crow’s Nest Lookout was her idea, a gift to the skyfarers to help them navigate the ever-changing skies.
Current Location
Date of Birth
18th of Nebulonius, 2647 AS
Year of Birth
2647 AS 531 Years old
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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