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The Sunken Collective

A group of islands that float in the vicinity of sea level, some slightly above the water line, but the majority beneath it. The taller hills of the sub-aquatic islands breach the surface of the ocean, forming unique trading spires. Inhabited by seafarers and traders, and the home nation of merfolk, the Sunken Collective is the lifeline of commerce between the nations, skilled in negotiation and diplomacy.
The Sunken Realms have absolute mastery over nautical travel, with the other major nations favouring skyships. The absence of a sun and contellations affects nautical vessels as much as their aerial counterparts, however, and so even in the Sunken Realms Lightweavers are essential for navigation.
A large part of their economy is built around the trade of salvage from the oceans, and relics from the ruins of the old world. With the rise of sky pirates, damaged skyships will often crash into the seas, and the people of The Sunken Collective are always willing to assist the crews who are stranded or in need... for a price.


Aecor is the primary deity worshipped in the Sunken Collective.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Trade Allies

The Verdant Pact: A deal with the Verdant Isle to trade rare medicinal herbs and exotic flora for the Collective's seafood delicacies and pearls, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the two nations.

Trade Allies

Emberhold Exchange: An agreement with the Emberhold to supply volcanic glass and rare minerals used in shipbuilding, in return for access to the Collective's extensive trading network.

Trade Allies

The Aerolithica Accord: A mutual agreement with Aerolithica to exchange advanced airship technology for navigational charts and weather forecasting magic, enhancing travel safety and efficiency.

Trade Allies

The Frostgarden Barter: A barter system with the Frostgarden, exchanging warm clothing and ice-resistant hull materials for the Collective's tropical fruits and spices.

Trade Allies

The Arcanum Alliance: A knowledge-sharing treaty with the Arcanum, trading magical artifacts found in sunken ruins for scholarly research and arcane protection spells for the Collective's ships.

Non-aggression Pact

The Iron Bastion Treaty: A defense pact with the Iron Bastion, providing them with naval and air support in exchange for military-grade metals and weaponry to bolster the Collective's merchant fleet.


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