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The Frostgarden

A cold and remote nation, blanketed in snow and ice. Its hardy inhabitants are adapted to the harsh climate and have a culture deeply rooted in survival and exploration.


Ice shamans are the spiritual backbone of The Frostgarden, serving as intermediaries between the physical world and the spirits of the ice and snow. They conduct rituals and ceremonies to appease these spirits, ensuring the balance of nature and the well-being of their people.


Ice shamans are the spiritual backbone of The Frostgarden, serving as intermediaries between the physical world and the spirits of the ice and snow. They conduct rituals and ceremonies to appease these spirits, ensuring the balance of nature and the well-being of their people.
Given their deep connection with the mystical forces of their land, ice shamans often act as advisors to Frostvein, offering wisdom and guidance in matters of governance and the supernatural.
They are the custodians of ancient knowledge and traditions, preserving the history and myths of The Frostgarden through oral storytelling and sacred texts.
Utilizing their knowledge of the land and its resources, ice shamans also serve as healers, using herbal remedies and spiritual practices to treat the sick and wounded.
In a land where survival is paramount, ice shamans may also play the role of diplomats, negotiating with other nations and clans, especially in matters that pertain to the environment and the use of natural resources.
Their presence in Frostvein's court underscores the importance of tradition, spirituality, and the natural elements in the governance and daily life of The Frostgarden.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Trade Allies

The Frostgarden Barter: A barter system with the Frostgarden, exchanging warm clothing and ice-resistant hull materials for the Collective's tropical fruits and spices.

Non-aggression Pact

The Frostgarden, much like The Iron Bastion, is a nation of hardy individuals who value physical strength. There is a mutual respect reflected in a non-aggression pact, although both sides acknowledge that their goals to be the mightiest nation will inevitably bring them both into conflict one day.


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