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The Verdant Isles

A lush, forest-covered nation that has embraced nature and druidic traditions. It's a sanctuary for all who seek knowledge about the natural world and its magics.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Related Traditions
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Trade Allies

The Verdant Pact: A deal with the Verdant Isle to trade rare medicinal herbs and exotic flora for the Collective's seafood delicacies and pearls, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the two nations.

Fragile Peace

The Iron Bastion is virtually the polar opposite of The Verdant Isles in almost all aspects of their culture, and the nations' close proximity has done nothing except highlight this complete contrast. The Iron Bastion sees The Verdant Isles as a potential wealth of natural resources wasted by savages, while The Verdant Isles see the Bastion as desecrators and a threat to the natural world. Even including the bristling hostilities between The Iron Bastion and Aerolithica, there are no two nations within The Shattered Realms who hate eachother more feverently.


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